
Men's Talk

St Mary's in Licard is serving up a smashing Men's breakfast, replete with sausages, black pudding, beans, egg, bacon, tomatoes and toast, on the third Saturday of every month. The food, though fantastic, by any greasy spoon standards, is only part of how the diners are nourished


National church attendance up 5%

Average weekly attendance at Church of England services rose by almost five per cent in 2023 - the third year of consecutive growth, preliminary figures show. Even more positively, attendance by children was up by almost 6% cent last year, according to the annual Statistics for Mission findings.


Jesus Shaped People - A quick catch-up

Earlier this year, Rebecca Holland was appointed as our JSP Champion for the Diocese of Chester. She recently visited Church House to meet with the Director of Outreach, Revd Peter Froggatt, which gave us an ideal opportunity to learn about her role and the progress she's been making.

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All creatures great and small in churchyards

In June, a week-long event will unfold to celebrate wildlife in churchyards and cemeteries across England, which have provided a haven for all creatures, from wildflowers to insects, birds, and mammals for centuries.

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'How I Came to Faith' - Barbara Williams

In this story of 'How I Came to Faith', we hear from Barbara Williams, who was walking with her young daughter along a street in Liscard, when her daughter suddenly got out of her pushchair and dashed into the Church grounds.

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Transforming a space to welcome children.

St. Mary’s Church in Partington and Carrington have recently re-vamped their children’s area offering a more welcoming space for the younger members of the church.


Stained glass artist exhibition

Chester Cathedral is to host the first exhibition exploring the legacy of Chester’s renowned woman stained glass artist


Jane Proudfoot - Archdeacon of Macclesfield

At Chester Cathedral on Sunday 28 April, Revd Jane Proudfoot was installed as the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, in a service led by the Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner.


Celebrating 30 years of women priests

On 12 March 1994, the Church of England held an ordination service like never before. The service, at Bristol Cathedral was a historic moment that would see women priests accepted into the Church of England.


Wirral faith groups deliver over £8 million of support

In a recent audit, it was discovered that faith groups in Wirral play a crucial role in supporting local communities. They engage in a wide-range of social action activities, including operating food banks, providing debt advice, and assisting families. 


£73,190 from Digital Giving

Last year, the National Church allocated 50 devices to the Diocese of Chester to distribute to parishes across our diocese. Now, six months on since the churches received the devices, the churches collectively have received £73,190.

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Get Ready for Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. This year TKC takes place from 9-19 May.

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'How I Came to Faith' - Mike Holt

In this story of 'How I Came to Faith', we hear from Mike Holt. He recalls the very moment when Jesus Christ became real to him while watching a black and white TV in his bedroom.


Heating the People, Not the Church

Revd David Page, from St. Peter’s Church in Elworth, shares how their innovative heating system has significantly improved the experience for attendees during church services.


Could you be an Occasional Worship Leader?

The Diocese of Chester is launching a new initiative to help equip and enable lay people to lead worship. The course will run twice a year in spring and autumn, with the dates for 2024 starting in May.


Energy Footprint Tool now open for churches

The Church of England’s Energy Footprint Tool is now open for churches to enter fuel and power use from 2023.   The data collected from the tool will help your church understand its carbon footprint and will mean you may be eligible for grants to help kickstart your net zero projects. 

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Revd Joe Kennedy announced as next Bishop of Burnley

​​​​​​​The Bishop of Chester,  Mark Tanner warmly welcomes the appointment of the Revd Dr Joe Kennedy as the next Bishop of Burnley in the Diocese of Blackburn.

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World Water Day

To commemorate World Water Day (March 22), Reverend Mike Loach met with Mark Booth from United Utilities to discuss the vital care of what may be the most crucial resource in God’s creation.


'How I Came to Faith' - Jackie Jones

In this story of 'How I Came to Faith', we hear from Jackie Jones, who used to go to church as a teenager, but hadn't connected with God or her faith ever since, that is, until she had a conversation in a local cafe.


Seeking Trustees for a new Multi Academy Trust

Chester Diocesan Board of Education has published its strategy as a response to the move towards a fully academized education system for all schools, not just across the Diocese but across the country. As part of the strategy, a second Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) will be created, led by a new team of Trustees.

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A Church Near You - Get ready for Easter

Help people find your church during Easter by adding your Easter services and events to


Sundays @ 7

On the first Sunday of most months, St Mary's Upton holds an in-depth interview with a prominent Christian who has a story about how God has been at work in their life. The event is very popular, often attracting nearly 200 people regularly.


The extraordinary, ordinary work of churches

It’s always great to hear about churches that have done something a little different - It makes good news copy. But what about the churches that we never really hear about, the ones that are doing great work in their community each and everyday, connecting with people in their community and making a real difference to people’s lives.

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The Dangers of Using Copyrighted Images Online

An increasing number of churches are finding themselves embroiled in copyright disputes because they have been using images on their website and social media pages without the consent of the copyright holder. Is your church next?


Chair of Partners in World Mission

Bishop Mark has appointed Lesley Bentley to be Chair of Partners in World Mission in the Diocese of Chester, a new post that she will occupy as a volunteer.  


St Bert’s Completes Community Hub

St Bert's church in Norton, Runcorn, has finished the building work on their church, transforming it into a place for the whole community. On Friday 16 February, they celebrated their achievement with an official opening ceremony followed by lunch and a community event.


'How I Came to Faith' - John Bentley

In the first of our 'How I Came to Faith', series, we hear from John Bentley, who speaks openly about how his Father died when he was only eleven years old. John remembers the transitional moment when he became a Christian at fifteen years old while painting a fence.


Lent theme for 2024 is Watch and Pray

The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2024 is Watch and Pray: Wisdom and hope for Lent and life. It draws on the wisdom of Black Spirituality, particularly the practice of “tarrying” (waiting) as a community to draw closer to Jesus and to each other.

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Next Archdeacon of Macclesfield announced

Following a period of discernment, The Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner, is pleased to announce that the Reverend Jane Proudfoot has been appointed as the next Archdeacon of Macclesfield.

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A Chaplaincy with the RNLI

Revd Paul Rossiter is the Vicar of St Hildeburgh's Parish Church, Hoylake and also the Chaplain for the town's RNLI Lifeboat station. We asked him what it means to be a chaplain for the RNLI and how this part of his ministry sits alongside being a vicar for the local church.

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