The Archbishop of York visits the Diocese of Chester

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, made a missionary visit to the Chester diocese from 20-23 June to share in and encourage the mission of the church, to show the love of God and to make him known to the 1.5 million people of our diocese. 

Over the next few days, we'll be posting short videos of the places he visited and the people he spoke to.

Future Yard, Birkenhead (21 June)

The Archbishop of York visits Future Yard,  which forms part of Birkenhead’s vision for cultural regeneration in the area. Future Yard is a café, a live music venue and includes rehearsal studios for local bands. He talks with Chief Executive  Craig Pennington sharing their passion for music, community and transformation. The visit strengthens links between the church and other local groups making a difference in Birkenhead.



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Cycle of Prayer

The Cycle of Prayer is now available via Prayermate, a free app that you can download to your mobile phone. Once you have downloaded the app, just search for the Diocese of Chester and add us to your prayer list.

We will continue to provide the Cycle of Prayer as a PDF which can be downloaded below.

Cycle of Prayer 01 - 30 June 2024

Cycle of Prayer 01 - 31 July 2024





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