Parish Dashboards Achieve 88% Adoption Rate

Since the introduction of Parish Dashboards across Chester Diocese, we’ve seen a remarkable adoption rate among our parishes.

The Safeguarding Dashboards provide Parish PCCs with a simple and structured way to navigate their safeguarding responsibilities. The online platform leads users through a series of clear and straightforward questions on Safeguarding, automatically generating an action plan for each parish.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team who spearheaded the roll out has warmly welcomed the high level of engagement from parishes. Sean Augustin, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser says: “This is a fantastic resource for both parishes and the Safeguarding Department, as it helps us collaborate and offer support when needed. To see 88% of our parishes using the system just seven months after launch is incredible. We expected it would take over a year to reach this level of engagement. The success is largely due to its simplicity and ease of use. We would urge any parish that has yet to engage to give it a try.”

The Parish Dashboards use a traffic light system of green, amber, and red, to indicate the level of action required. Clear, easy-to-understand text explains exactly what needs to be done, allowing users to quickly assess their parish’s safeguarding status.

This progress has only been possible thanks to the dedication of the many Safeguarding Officers across parishes, who volunteer their time to ensure that safeguarding remains a top priority, making the church a welcoming and safe space for everyone.



Page last updated: Monday 13th January 2025 2:40 PM
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