
Random acts of kindness

Pupils from Dawpool Primary School, Thurstaston were out and about on the streets of their village last week to share random acts of kindness to local residents. It's all part of the Archbishop of York's Young Leader Award.

Youth Speak members attend Diocesan Synod

Two members of Youth Speak came to Diocesan Synod this weekend. We interviewed them on camera to find out what they thought of the meeting and were pleased to hear that it was more interesting than they thought.

Toolkit to help respond to Ukrainian crisis

The Church of England has published a ‘toolkit’ of resources for parishes seeking to help refugees and evacuees from Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion of the country.

MasterChef contestant at Foxhill

If you've never been to our retreat house, Foxhill, well now there's an even greater reason to give it a try. In addition to the fantastic grounds, amazing views and friendly staff, there's now a MasterChef contestant in residence.

Working with dinosaurs

Schools across the Diocese of Chester marked World Book Day on Thursday 03 March. School Effectiveness Officer in the Diocese of Chester found himself working alongside a member of staff dressed as a T Rex.

Ash Wednesday in Ashton-upon-Mersey

Not since 2020 have clergy been able to offer "ashes to go" to local residents. So, despite the rain, in Ashton-Upon-Mersey, the Revd Catherine Cleghorn and the Revd Becky Mathew met with residents to impose ashes and to pray.

Clergy Gathering open to bookings

Clergy can now book on to the Clergy Gathering which is due to take place in May at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanick. Attendance is expected from stipendiary clergy and encouraged from self-supporting clergy.

Parishes urged to book deanery evening

Parishes in the deaneries of Great Budworth and Middlewich are urged to book on to an event to learn more about Everyday Faith. Up to five people from every parish will be able to attend. Other deanery dates are being added.

Plant a tree for the Jubilee

Parishes in the Diocese of Chester can now benefit from a simplified faculty process that will allow them to plant trees more easily in a churchyard. The decision is in support of The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.

Prayers for Peace

Bishop Mark has warmly commended a letter from the Archbishops encouraging all Christians to join them in prayer on Tuesday 01 March and Wednesday 02 March to pray for peace in our world following the attack by Russia on Ukraine.

Archbishops: "An act of great evil"

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell have condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine as “an act of great evil”. They are urging Christians to make this Sunday a special day of prayer.

Thy Kingdom Come online launch

Plans are underway for the 7th annual Thy Kingdom Come a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. Join the online launch event on 28 February

PCR2 nearing completion

The safeguarding Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) is nearing completion in the Diocese of Chester. Two Independent Reviewers, both former Senior Police Officers, have been carrying out this task since early 2021.

Dean Tim: "Engineering made to last"

The Dean of Chester, Tim Stratford, says the Pilgrim Porch commission is a "feat of engineering being made to last." Every parish church has been invited to participate in this exciting and historic commission.

The North West Children and Youth Work Thing

Yes it is a 'Thing', not a work in progress title, but an ecumenical event in Preston on 07 May 2022, for all those involved in ministry with children and young people in their local church.

Statistics for Mission - Why Bother?

If you subscribe to the E-Bulletin you’ll have seen that we’ve been reminding parishes to visit the Church of England’s Online Parish Returns System to provide information about their parish. But why?

Bishop Mark: "I am not the Bishop of Worcester"

Bishop Mark was unexpectedly asked to open a debate at General Synod regarding possible changes to the Crown Nominations Commission after the Bishop of Worcester, who was due to speak, tested positive for coronavirus.

Everyday faith across the diocese

All parishes in the Diocese of Chester are invited to a series of deanery meetings beginning in March to learn more about how we the local church can encourage people to live out their faith in everyday life.

Bishops visit Mersey Maritime

Bishop Julie and Bishop Sam enjoyed a tour of Cammell Laird shipyard and a briefing from Mersey Meritim CEO as part of a series of visits around the diocese to familiarise themselves with local businesses, organisations and industries. 

Handpicked Lent resources for 2022

Lent is almost upon us and the challenge of picking the right Lent course can be tricky. To help you, this year officers at Church House have handpicked 12 Lent resources that will appeal to individuals, families, and churches.

'Life' events to be held across Wirral

The Wirral Gospel Partnership is a group of churches working together to strengthen local ministry. They are organising a series of free talks across their Wirral churches on the theme of  'Life'.

Our diocesan registrar features in The Times

Lisa Moncur, the registrar for the Diocese of Chester, has been interviewed by The Times newspaper about what it's like working for the Church. "There's never a dull day", says Lisa in the article published on 20 January.

Church@28: New style church returns

Church@28 is an informal service that includes a fifteen-minute interview. Their next guest is Bishop Mark which takes place on 13 February and will be broadcast live across the internet.

Cathedral exhibiton on BBC Radio Merseyside

Jane Brooke, Vice Dean and Canon Missioner at Chester Cathedral talks to BBC Merseyside about the 'Threads through creation' exhibition, a spectacular display of twelve huge silk panels retelling the creation story.

City is looking for a new saviour

Organisers of Chester City Passion 2022 are recruiting for the major role of Jesus Christ in their forthcoming production. The play tells the story of Jesus Christ’s last few days, including his arrival in Jerusalem.

New Bible study resource from Home for Good

Bishop Sam personally recommends a new study resource for anyone who would like to dig a bit deeper into what the Bible says about the heart of God and how that closely connects to finding a home for every child who needs one.

Transforming a forgotten wasteland

Revd Emma Handley and a dedicated team of parishioners at St Paul's church, Staybridge are transforming a large piece of negelcted church land into a tree and wildflower oasis for the whole community.

More than 130 booked on Lay Conference so far

If you still haven't booked on the Lay Conference then you might be pleased to hear that you can now book your FREE place yourself, without having to confirm it with your PCC Secretary.

Events kept going during Covid

Despite the challenges, Church House has continued to deliver a range of events during the last two years, ranging from training courses to youth meetings, both in-person and online, depending on Government guidance.

All churches invited to contribute to new artwork

Chester Cathedral and esteemed Cheshire-based artist, Stephen Broadbent, are launching an exciting new project called the Pilgrim Porch, which aims to capture a snapshot of worshipping life across the Diocese of Chester.

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