
CCTV installed to protect church against vandalism

A local resident and business owner in Lymm has donated CCTV cameras to St Mary’s Church after learning of reported vandalism and damage to the building.  

Archdeacon praises community of Crewe

The Archdeacon of Macclesfield has praised the community in Crewe following the fire at Beechmere care home in August. Speaking to BBC Radio Stoke he described the response as "wonderful” and "precious".

Crewe fire: Call for donations, volunteers and prayers

Local businesses, organisations and residents are being urged to help by donating, offering practical support and praying for all those affected. Please respond if you can. 

Grappenhall's bells ring out again

The wait is finally over for a band of bell ringers in Grappenhall who have returned to ringing after a hiatus of seven months in order to remove old bells and cast and install new ones.

Whaley Bridge: Statement from Bishop Peter

Bishop Peter issues a statement in support of the residents of Whaley Bridge and remembers those who have been evacuated and all those who are working to resolve the situation.

A prayer for those affected by flooding

A prayer for those affected by flooding, particularly the residents of Whaley Bridge who have been evacuated from the town because of damage to the dam at Toddbrook Reservoir.

Christians more likely to say climate should be top priority for PM

Christians are more likely than the general public to believe that climate change should be a top priority for the next Prime Minister, a new survey has revealed.

Foxhill marks 50 years

Foxhill hosted a celebration event to mark its 50th anniversary on the 19 and 21 July. People who have been closely involved in the ministry at Foxhill were invited to attend.

Everyday Faith: Revd Dr Jenny McKay

“It’s important that as Christians we’re confident and bold enough to share our faith every day of the week." The Revd Dr Jenny McKay shares a little of her story of ministering in the workplace.

Bishop Peter bids farewell to the diocese

Hundreds of well-wishers journeyed to Chester Cathedral from across the Diocese of Chester on Saturday 20 July to mark Bishop Peter Forster’s long ministry as the Bishop of Chester.

School bank teaches the value of saving

School children from Bishop Wilson Church of England Primary School are celebrating the launch of a pioneering project arming them with vital life skills including how to save money and budget.

Becky Hurst: Conversation Cafe, St Andrew's, Crewe

Four churches in Crewe are benefitting from the work of a Community Development Worker who is identifying new ways to serve the local community.

Hundreds attend leavers' service at Chester Cathedral

Hundreds of primary school children attended a Year Six Leavers' Service at Chester Cathedral on Tuesday 09 July. as they began the transition from primary to high school.

Saving The Deep opens at Chester Cathedral

Created by North Wales artist, Jacha Potgieter, Saving The Deep features over ten sculptures each created from waste collected from just three beach visits. All of the sculptures within Saving The Deep depict endangered species.

Consultation: baptised children and Holy Communion

The Diocese of Chester is reviewing the practice of allowing parishes to seek permission to admit baptised children to Holy Communion before Confirmation.

Even more features for A Church Near You

The Church of England has released a series of new features on A Church Near You. Churches using the site will now be able to embed videos, add biographies for clergy and use the site as a Benefice website.

Appointing the next Bishop of Chester

The process for choosing the next Bishop of Chester has begun. The Vacancy in See Committee, the group responsible for holding the initial discussions, held its first meeting on Monday 01 July.

From the Solomon Islands, with love

Canon Jane Brooke has just returned from visiting the Solomon Islands. Here she shares some of the experience, including a service at Honiara Cathedral attended by around a 1000 people.

Election result for a casual vacancy at General Synod

Julie Withers has been elected as a member of the House of Laity to represent the Diocese of Chester at General Synod.

Meet your new Ordinands

An actor, a former “militant atheist”, and a former employee of a travelling circus troupe are just three of the 22 men and women who were ordained at Chester Cathedral on Sunday 30 June.

Cheshire West and Chester Schools Ethos Conference

The school conference attracted over 100 students to participate in prayer, crafts, singing and other activities to celebrate 'God's Love', the theme of the conference.

Funeral for Bishop Ron, 1926 - 2019

The funeral of the former Bishop of Birkenhead, the Rt Revd Ronald Brown, will take place at Chester Cathedral on Friday. Members of the Diocese and Cathedral who have known Bishop Ron are most welcome.

Bishop supports call for churches to combat knife crime

Following reports of a stabbing in Chester, the Bishop of Birkenhead is supporting a proposal from the Church of England to encourage churches to help combat knife crime.

Spiritual abuse and the Church

There is a growing concern within the Church about spiritual abuse, but what exactly is it, how can you recognise it, and how can we create healthy church cultures to help ensure spiritual abuse is minimised?

Pray for brothers and sisters in DRC

News has been received by the Diocese of Chester indicating further unrest in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Ven Jean Bagada, Diocesan Secretary for Boga, has asked for continued prayers for our brothers and sisters.

Welcome to the priesthood

A cohort of 18 men and women were ordained into the priesthood on Saturday. Friends, family and colleagues joined them for the happy occasion at Chester Cathedral. View the photographs on Facebook.

Creation Celebration at Chester Zoo

People from parishes across the Diocese gathered at Chester Zoo on 05 June to give praise, celebrate creation and to think about the preservation of our world. The event was free and began with a visit to the sunken garden.

Chester church to celebrate 150th year

A much loved Chester church will be celebrating an impressive anniversary on Sunday 16 June. The Parish Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Chester will be celebrating its 150th year since the laying of its Foundation Stone.

2019 Church Architecture Awards

Has your church opened a new extension, completed a re-ordering scheme or undergone a major repair or conservation project? If so, you can enter it for the 2019 Church Architecture Awards.

Flying high for the angels

On 26 June, the Revd Heather Atkinson will be straying well outside of her comfort zone by taking on a zip-wire challenge in North Wales, in a bid to save the nineteenth-century wall paintings at St James', New Brighton.

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