
Pentecost Sunday 2020 with Bishop Keith

On Pentecost Sunday, the Church celebrates the Holy Spirit being given. In this short video, Bishop Keith reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit and and encourages us to open our hands, hearts, and minds to the gift of the Holy Spirit today.

Ordinary people, extraordinary things

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things during the pandemic are to be honoured by The High Sheriff of Greater Manchester to publicly acknowledge the amazing acts of thoughtfulness and kindness.

Birkenhead generosity in lockdown

Over the last couple of weeks, with the generosity of hundreds of people, Make it Happen, a community shop and hub in the heart of Birkenhead, has received over 1000 bags of donations.

Ministry Bursary Awards invite applications

The Ecclesiastical Ministry Bursary Awards (MBAs) are once again open for applications, to provide financial support for sabbatical breaks and projects planned for 2021. Application forms should be submitted by by 30 September 2020.

Bereavement resources

The Diocese of Chester is launching a series of bereavement resources for parishes to use to support people experiencing a family bereavement. The resources can be downloaded here for immediate use.

How are you doing?

A reminder that support for your wellbeing is available to everyone in the diocese who might need it. There is an acknowledgment that this time is affecting people in a myriad of ways and support is available.

Archdeacon Mike on Ascension Day

On Ascension Day 2020, Archdeacon Mike talks about the challenges we face through the separation of loved ones and reminds us that though Jesus really is ascended, he is deeply and profoundly with us right now.

Church House Blog: Thy Kingdom Come

The 21 May is the start of 'Thy Kingdon Come'. The Director of Foxhill, Jonathon Green, reflects on the past weeks and gives us some helpful tools to help us to focus as we enter this season of prayer.

Church House Blog: Shock absorbing resources

Revd Canon David Herbert, Continuing Ministry Development Officer, offers some helpful resources to ministers who are often there to help ease and guide people through life's circumstances that can impact us, sometimes unexpectedly.

"Undertake one act of kindness" today

Chester Cathedral is promoting Mental Health Week (18-23 May) by inviting people to "undertake one act of kindness" for someone. Canon Jane Brooke says: "Any act of kindness brings us together".


What do you want to see God doing among us? In one of Bishop Mark Tanner's recent video messages, he mentions an idea that he hopes will help to shape his mission in the Diocese of Chester.

A diary of what happened on Tuesday 12 May

On Tuesday 12 May, Downing Street announced that Mark Tanner is to be the next Bishop of Chester. Hopefully, Mark and his wife Lindsay have found time to breathe as his diary for the day was totally packed. Here's how the day went.

Mark Tanner named as next Bishop of Chester

The Rt Revd Mark Tanner has been named by Downing Street as the next Bishop of Chester, succeeding the Rt Revd Dr Peter Forster who retired in September 2019. Bishop Mark is currently the Bishop of Berwick in the Diocese of Newcastle.

Special announcement

On Tuesday 12 May, Downing Street is due to announce who will be the next Bishop of Chester. Following the announcement, everyone is welcome to join in with a series of live-streamed events and "meet" the Bishop-designate. 

Great meals delivered in Great Meols

As soon as the lockdown was announced the vicar at Great Meols, Rev Gillian Rossiter, gathered a small team together to provide soup and sandwich lunches to local people who are isolated and vulnerable.

Bishop Keith on VE Day

As the nation marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day, Bishop Keith reflects on that victory and says "it does not bear thinking about to contemplate the world if the victory had gone the other way."

"Very limited access" to church buildings

The Acting Bishop of Chester and the archdeacons have written to clergy giving permission for parishes in the Diocese of Chester to allow very limited access to church buildings if they so wish. 

Bishop's Council to meet by Zoom

For the first time in its history, Bishop’s Council in the Diocese of Chester will take place virtually, with members taking part via video call. The next Bishop’s Council is due to be held in the afternoon of Tuesday 12 May.

Faith at Home

Faith at Home is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people. Resources will be added to weekly.

Virtual Civic Service for VE Day

The Lord Mayor of Chester, the Chairman of Cheshire West and Chester Council and Chester Cathedral have come together to produce a Virtual Civic Service to commemorate 75 years since the end of World War II.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. May 21st - May 31st 2020

Bishops discuss church buildings

The House of Bishops has provided some guidance on when church buildings may be able to reopen, following a meeting today via Zoom. The bishops say they back a phased approach to revising access.

Funeral fee change reminder

A reminder to clergy about changes to funeral fees which came into effect on 01 January 2020 and a subsequent diocesan plan to offer grants to parishes as compensation for lost fee income.

Live streaming goes hi-tech in Wallasey

For the past nine months, Alex White has been quietly building a TV studio in his house. Little did he know when he started out on his venture, just how his own personal interest would become so entwined with his church life.

Revd Taffy Davies on Graham Norton

If you saw the Graham Norton show this last weekend you might have recognised a familiar face. Our own Revd Taffy Davies (retired) was interviewed about an embarrassing incident that happened in a library.

READ MARK, learn and inwardly digest

Clergy from around the diocese, including Bishop Keith Sinclair will talk about sections of Mark’s gospel each week and will take us through the whole gospel. There are two ways you can join in.

The May edition of the CDN is now available

The May edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available online as a PDF. This edition includes a reflection from Bishop Keith, pictures from parish videos and a list of online events. You can download it here.

Church House Blog: Church Halls

In this Church House Blog, Emily Allen, Church Buildings Missioner, looks at how Church Halls, that usually play a vital role in binding the community together, are responding to the Covid-19 crisis.

The power of poetry

Three members of clergy in the Diocese of Chester who enjoy writing poetry held a conversation via Zoom to explore why it is that poetry still has such an appeal and a power. Listen to their conversation.

The truth that underlines the Christian faith

In this season of Eastertide, Archdeacon Mike Gilbertson reflects on John 10 and Psalm 23, and the truth that underlines the Christian faith. But what does that mean in a time of suffering and sadness for our nation and the world?

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