Parishes gifted £2,000 boost

All parishes in the Diocese of Chester are to receive a grant of £2,000, made possible thanks to a World War 2 investment fund.

The announcement was made in a letter from the Diocesan Secretary to parishes on Monday 15 June. 

Read George Colville's letter in full.

Parishes have been told that they are free to spend the money as they wish but are encouraged to use it prayerfully to further local missional opportunities.

Read the FAQ regarding the grants to parishes.

Diocesan Secretary, George Colville, says: "The generosity of past generations has made this gift a reality today. So, as we give thanks for the old, and prepare and look forward to a new chapter in the history of our diocese, it is my prayer that these acts of generosity in the past can advance our collective mission to those in our care today.

"From today, we will begin transferring money to every parish. It will be paid without any other considerations and without the need to complete an application process.

"Parishes are free to do with the money what they wish, but it is the strong expectation of Chester Diocesan Board of Finance that parishes will use it prayerfully in helping with some of the new challenges we face in proclaiming and advancing the Gospel of Christ now and over the coming months.

"As we begin a new chapter in the mission of our diocese, the current crisis is not over and some parishes will have continuing financial problems for a while, but this point in time provides a unique opportunity as we open our church buildings once more for individual prayer and small funerals, and look forward to a return to gathered public worship."

The grants have been made possible by a historic investment fund. Raised in thanksgiving following World War 2, the fund was established to help parishes meet the challenges of paying stipends at that time. The CDBF received permission from the Charity Commission to use the capital of this fund, as well as the income, to support stipends, which in turn, has meant other unrestricted funds can be used for the purposes of a grant to parishes.

Read George Colville's letter in full.

Read the FAQ regarding the grants to parishes.


Page last updated: Monday 15th June 2020 3:32 PM
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