At the end of last year, we launched a survey of all the clergy, readers, pastoral workers and chaplains in the diocese (including those holding PTO) in order to collect consistent information about the age, sex, gender identity, ethnic group or background, and disability information of people in these roles. See a summary of what we’ve collected so far: Clergy & LLM Diversity Analysis
In the next few weeks, our Strategy Team will be getting in touch with other diocesan and parish office holders to broaden our understanding about them as well.
This sort of data is really useful for equality, accessibility and diversity monitoring, and to help us target specific communications. But it also helps in our strategic planning, as it enables us to plan and manage recruitment, training and deployment of some of our most important leadership resources.
Look out for an email coming soon and more information on our website and in our weekly ebulletin.
Here’s a thank you message from Bishop Mark explaining why it’s so important.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Jon and the team: