The Revd Canon Vivien Gisby is due to retire at the end of June from her dual role as Warden of Pastoral Workers and Warden of Readers, positions she has held for ten years and five years respectively.
Her work means that she has been a regular visitor to Church House where she meets with the Ministry team to develop our network of Pastoral Workers and Readers.
Vivien describes her role as being multi-faceted: “I am involved in the selection process for new Pastoral Workers and Readers, organising the annual licensing service and administering the review process. I also offer ongoing support after licensing. There’s a lot to do with around 80 Pastoral Workers and 250 Readers, but I don’t work alone. We have a Sub-Warden of Readers for each deanery and an Assistant Warden of Pastoral Workers as well as Church House staff. It’s been a privilege and pleasure to work with them all! I have a lot of happy memories from my 10 years in post, some of the happiest are of being with Pastoral Workers and Readers on the training or quiet days we’ve organised at Foxhill."
What are Pastoral Workers and Readers?
Pastoral Workers are volunteers who are licensed by the Bishop to perform a vital ministry in the church, working to deliver spiritual and emotional help and guidance.
Readers lead worship, preach, make connections between faith and everyday life and work to pioneer new opportunities for mission, bring God into the conversation and teaching the faith.
Vivien manages to fit the demands of this work around her other role as the vicar at St John the Evangelist Church in Runcorn. And this is where she is making another big change as she is also moving to become Vicar of St Paul’s church in Macclesfield. “I’ve felt a calling to move for a while and when an opportunity arose in Macclesfield, which is a place that I know well and where I have friends and family, it seemed the right place to go to. I’m sure that God has his own reasons for me to be there as well.”
Simon Chesters, Director of Ministry, says: "I have known and worked with Vivien for over 20 years and it has been a real joy to renew that working relationship with her since I came back to work at Church House nine months ago. That does mean that I am inevitably sad to be losing such a valued colleague as she steps down as Warden of Pastoral Workers and Readers, though I am excited for all that God will do through her in her new parish post and look forward to continuing to work with her in that role. She has been wise, dedicated and thoughtful and I know so many people are grateful for her faithful and effective ministry. She will be much missed."
Could you be a Pastoral Worker or Reader?
If you are interested in becoming a Pastoral Worker or Reader contact the Director of Studies for Pastoral Workers, Revd Jenny Bridgman
M: 07546 304644