Sue juggles dual roles at Church House 

Sue Pocock has joined the team at Church House, wearing not one but two hats for the Diocese of Chester! 

Sue has also been appointed as part-time Flourish Officer working with the Outreach team. This is part of a two-year national programme aimed at creating brand new worshipping communities in schools and FE colleges, as part of the Church’s desire to engage children people and their families more effectively. 

Sue is also taking on a part-time role of Interim Ministry Support Officer, two and a half days a week on a fixed term contract for 9 months covering some of the work of Jenny Bridgman whilst she takes on an Executive Officer role. 

Introducing herself, Sue explains: 

“As a Christian I have worshipped in the Anglican church for 40 years, during that time I have experienced rural and urban, large and small congregations, and a variety of church traditions. Although not ordained, I have worked in a lay capacity for a large Anglican church as an administrator for five years, in full time ministry for three years at Lee Abbey (an international inter-denominational Christian community), and at Yeovil Community Church for three years. I have also volunteered in my local church running Alpha, Parenting, Marriage and Marriage preparation courses, ministry to displaced people, stay and play groups and a variety of children’s ministries. I have supported many friends through the discernment process for ordination, selection, curacy and as incumbents, and have a realistic understanding of the challenges and joys of ministry.”

Rev’d Jenny Bridgman, Deputy Director of Ministry and Bishop’s Adviser for Curate Development and Clergy Transitions, Diocese of Chester said:  "We are delighted to be working with Sue in her dual role, which will enhance the work of the Ministry and Outreach Teams as well as that across Church House, as we seek to resource parishes, ministers and others in their work to share the love of Jesus with the 1.5 million. Sue will bring insight from her vast experience within and beyond the church, and a calm wisdom which will be so valuable through this time of transition and new season of work."

Sue can be contacted by email

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