Church Planting, Past and Present

We were delighted to receive this video postcard from Revd Steve Rankin of St Mary Magdalene & Sale West Community Church, Ashton on Mersey who has just returned from leading a trip to Turkey to visit the seven churches of Revelation. Steve's a member of the working group looking at Planting New Missional Communities as part of our diocesan strategy development.

Jon Pocock, Strategic Programme Director, says: "Steve reflects on the amazing story of the intentional missional activity that St Paul and his colleagues embarked on which led to these churches being founded; and this is such an inspiration for us today. 

We are convinced that we need to be doing NEW THINGS as part of our strategy to reach and bless the 1.5 million people in our diocese who haven't yet encountered the Good News of Jesus Christ for themselves. So, we have already started to think about the intentional church planting that needs to happen in key parts of our diocese if we are to do this well. 

However, the most fruitful way we believe we can reach the most people is for each parish to consider creating one new worshipping community in their local context. What's a new worshipping community? In essence, it's anything that engages new people in a new way that enables them to worship and encounter God amongst a community of people where they are welcomed and feel they belong."

If you'd like to know more or would value support with developing a new worshipping community idea in your parish, talk to Peter Froggatt, Director of Outreach.

Director of Outreach: Revd Peter Froggatt
T: 01928 643444 M: 07590 396782 

Page last updated: Friday 11th October 2024 2:45 PM
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