Commissioning of interim leaders and new starters 

Colleagues at Church House gathered to pray at the beginning of the Church Year as Bishop Mark commissioned Canon Chris Penn as Interim Diocesan Secretary and Revd Jenny Bridgman as Interim Executive Officer. 

These interim posts will cover the role of Diocesan Secretary following the recent retirement of George Colville and will be focused on creating a support system that is ‘strategy ready’.

Chris and Jenny say: “We go into this time mindful of the gifts and experience which George brought to his time in office, and grateful for all he did in service of clergy, parishes, and others across the diocese.

We recognise that this is a period of transition for the Diocese, not least because of our commitment to the Vision and Strategy work we are currently undertaking.

We have been clear that Church House will not be ‘standing still’ during this interim period. In the weeks ahead we will be working with staff and others to explore how we can best shape our sense of purpose and values around the things we believe God is calling us to be and do. This is so we are in the best place to support parishes in blessing the 1.5 million in this diocese who do not yet know the good news of Jesus Christ.” 

At the same prayer meeting on September 4th, Revd Ruth Mock was commissioned as Interim Archdeacon, providing support to Archdeacon Jane Proudfoot during Mike Gilbertson’s sabbatical. Bishop Mark also welcomed and prayed for new starters and all those stepping into new roles and taking on additional responsibilities.

Page last updated: Monday 9th September 2024 3:03 PM
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