Congratulations to David and Christine Blackmore who last month marked significant milestones in their ministry as lay Readers in the parish of Plas Newton. David was first licensed 40 years ago, in 1979, and Christine 30 years ago in 1989. The couple were thanked by the vicar, Pete Rugen, for their commitment and presented with a gift from the church. Following the morning service, everyone enjoyed a cake, baked by a member of the congregation especially, to celebrate their years of service.
David and Christine Blackmore
Over in the neighbouring archdeaconry of Macclesfield, the parish of Warmingham recently toasted Peter Noden in celebration of his 60 years as a Reader. He has served numerous parishes in Cheshire over the years, particularly when living away in his role as a headteacher.
The Revd Dr Philip Goggin says: “His service as a Reader has been a convincing testimony to his faith and faithfulness over a lifetime as a Christian. In this most impressive record of ministerial service, he has been loyally supported by his wife Frances. Peter has been a link between the Church and the community, and between a succession of incumbents and the people. He has resolved many a tricky situation over the years, using his interest in the village and its residents and his people skills. As a former school teacher and headteacher these skills have been well-honed.”
Director of Vocations in the Diocese of Chester, the Revd Sarah Fenby, says: "Reader ministry is a wonderful gift of God to the church enabling the resourcing of mission in everyday life and society. It’s really good to hear of David and Christine Blackmore and Peter Noden’s significant and faithful service as Readers. We are blessed to have many faithful Readers in our diocese, playing a unique and collaborative role in the life of our parishes."
A recently renewed vision of Reader ministry can be read in the excellent report, Resourcing Sunday to Saturday faith.
If you are sensing God's call on your own life, why not come along to Called to Serve on 25 January at Foxhill, a morning event for all those interested in exploring a formal ministry in the Diocese of Chester.
Peter Norden in the centre holding the flowers