Canon Theologian and Ten New Lay Canons appointed

Ten new Lay Canons have been appointed at Chester Cathedral.  They were all Instituted by the Bishop and Installed into their seats by the Dean on Sunday 28th July.  Each Canon will now occupy, for as long as they hold their title, one of the Cathedral’s fourteenth century misericords in the Quire dedicated to saints who are commemorated in the Cathedral’s stained glass.

Chine McDonald, Director of Theos, was Instituted and Installed on the same day as Canon Theologian into the seat dedicated to George Herbert.  Theos is a think tank that stimulates the debate about the place of religion in society, challenging and changing ideas through research, commentary and events.  Chine previously worked with Christian Aid. She has 16 years’ experience in journalism, media and communications across faith, media and international development organisations. She is the author of ‘God is not a white man: and other revelations’ (Hodder & Stoughton, May 2021). Chine regularly contributes to programme slots such as the BBC’s Thought for the Day on Radio 4’s Today programme, Prayer for the Day and The Daily Service. She is vice–chair of Greenbelt Festival and a trustee of Christians in Media. Chine studied Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge University. 

The appointments of Lay Canons have been made in recognition of the contributions each individual makes to the life of the Diocese.  They join the College of Canons which supports a deepening fellowship between its members that is stronger than the disagreements existing in today’s church.  The Canon Theologians will work with the College and the Cathedral to provide an opportunity for current issues to be reflected on theologically.

The new Lay Canons are:
Josephine Sykes DL, a member of the Nominations and Development Committee to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Hugh of Lincoln

David Anthony Hermitt, Consultant, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Clare of Assisi

Mark Steven Mitchell DL, Group Managing Director, Mitchell Group, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Werburgh

Stephen Broadbent, Sculptor, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Aethelflaed

Chine McDonald, Canon Theologian in the seat dedicated to George Herbert

Eunice Angela Simmons, Vice Chancellor, University of Chester, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Alphege

Frederick Charles Hobson, retired, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to 

John Jeremy Collier Freeman, retired and active in the voluntary sector, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Dunstan

Joelle Susan Warren, Founder of the executive search firm, Warren Partners, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Hilda of Whitby

Dr Alan Martin Smith, Management Consultant (retired), to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Wilfrid

Emily Moira Dean, Executive Coach and Leadership Development Consultant, to be Lay Canon in the seat dedicated to Boniface

Dean of Chester, the Very Revd Dr Tim Stratford says “I am delighted that we have now completed the reconstitution of the College of Canons in Chester Cathedral. In a church where so much of the conversation is about things that cause disagreement, this College will provide an opportunity for fellowship between people of diverse views that promotes healthy disagreement. The College now includes equal numbers of Honorary (ordained) Canons and Lay Canons. This is a recognition of responsibility for the mission of the church that is shared between lay and ordained people.”

Photograph shows (left to right):

Canon Dr Josephine Sykes DL; Canon David Anthony Hermitt; Canon Fiona Bruce ; Canon Joelle Susan Warren; Canon Mark Steven Mitchell DL; Canon Stephen Broadbent; Canon Chine McDonald, Canon Theologian; The Ven Jane Proudfoot, Archdeacon of Macclesfield; Canon Emily Moira Dean; Canon John Jeremy Collier Freeman; The Right Revd Mark Tanner, Bishop of Chester; The Very Revd Dr Tim Stratford, Dean of Chester; Canon Richard Walker, Canon Diocesan; Canon Dr Fran Hulbert; Canon Eunice Angela Simmons; Canon Anthony Lees-Smith, Canon Missioner, Chester Cathedral; Canon Frederick Charles Hobson; Canon Dr Ben Fulford, Canon Theologian; Canon Prof Paul Middleton, Canon Ecumenical; Canon George Colville, Diocesan Secretary; Canon Rosie Woodall, Canon for Worship and Spirituality, Chester Cathedral; Canon Dr Alan Martin Smith.

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