Book now for the next course for Occasional Worship Leaders (OWLs)

Book now for the next course for Occasional Worship Leaders (OWLs)
Our next 4-week course for those training to be Occasional Worship Leaders starts in Runcorn on 16th September. 

The OWLs course is for those who find themselves leading worship on an occasional basis, (no more than once a month) and do not feel called to licensed or ordained ministry. The 4-week course in Leading Public Worship is part of the process of becoming a locally authorised Occasional Worship Leader. The course works for people who have been leading worship for years as well as people who are starting out.

People who have trained as OWLs so far include those planning and leading worship in specific regular services (for example, monthly café church, Taize, Iona, etc), those who occasionally lead Morning or Evening Prayer on Sundays, or Churchwardens and others leading services during a vacancy. 
Click here for a video interview with Jerry Marshall from Weaverham talking about how useful he found the training. 

The dates for the course at St Andrew’s Grange are
16th and 23rd September; and 14th and 21st October, 
7.15pm – 9pm at Grange St Andrew, Festival Way, Runcorn WA7 5JZ

OWLs are discerned and authorised locally in the parish, but the diocesan Ministry Team are providing a structure and set of resources to help parishes in the discernment, equipping and support of OWLs, including areas such as safer recruitment, appropriate safeguarding certification and training, accountability, support and review.

If you would like to know more about becoming authorised as an OWL, or if you are an incumbent with people you think could be trained and authorised as an OWL, please email including your name and parish. Unless your parish is in vacancy, please make sure you have sought the agreement of your incumbent or equivalent first. 


Page last updated: Monday 19th August 2024 12:43 PM
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