All creatures great and small in churchyards

In June, a week-long event will unfold to celebrate wildlife in churchyards and cemeteries across England, which have provided a haven for all creatures, from wildflowers to insects, birds, and mammals for centuries.

During Love Your Burial Ground Week and Churches Count on Nature (June 8-16), everyone is invited to explore these unique places and contribute to wildlife surveys. The initiative, organized by Caring for God’s Acre and supported by the Church of England, the Church of Wales, and A Rocha UK, builds upon the Church of England’s commitment to promote and document biodiversity in its churchyards, as declared at the General Synod in February.

Events during the week range from biodiversity “nature counts” in churchyards to memorial recording and tours in urban cemeteries. Participants can use the iNaturalist app to record the wildlife they encounter. Additionally, a series of webinars will be accessible to all interested individuals.

Over the past three years, more than 1,300 events involving more than 24,500 participants have resulted in 37,355 wildlife records submitted, a testament to the vital role these spaces play in preserving and nurturing our natural heritage.

Jill Elston, Chair Designate of the EcoDiocese Group says, "It’s easy to join in with the Churches Count on Nature week (8-16th June) and record some of the wildlife in your churchyard or on your church land.  If you have access to a smartphone or tablet you can download the iNaturalist app and register within the app for the Beautiful Burial Ground Project.  The app allows you to take photos and gives your help to identify species. It can be great fun and highly addictive once you get started! Why not invite others from your community to join you?

"Taking part in Churches Count on Nature can help you in your Arocha Eco Church journey and supports the motion passed at General Synod in February where Bishop Graham Usher warned that the U.K. is now one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Joining in with Churches Count on Nature can help create a detailed picture of the biodiversity we have in the U.K. If you take part please share pictures and we can celebrate the wonderful bio-diversity of many of our churchyard."


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