Sabbaticals for Clergy


The Diocese has a programme of Sabbaticals for clergy: Sabbatical study leave is available to stipendiary clergy who have been in their current post longer than three years and who have not had a sabbatical in the last seven years. Sabbaticals need to be booked well in advance (at least two years) as this gives opportunity for planning and arranging cover where needed.

To take a Sabbatical, firstly obtain permission from your Suffragan Bishop and complete the Sabbatical Application form (which can be downloaded from the link below). Once permission has been given, contact the office of the Committee for Ministry (CfM) to discover if grant-supported places are available (these are limited to 12 each year).  Be aware that ministers in receipt of stipend support from sector posts may not be entitled to in-service sabbaticals for that part of their appointment. More information is in the Sabbatical Information document (which can be downloaded from the link below).

Sabbaticals plans should be discussed with Simon Chesters, Director of Ministry and your rural dean and agreed with your PCCs. The Sabbatical fund is able to offer grants of up to £300 for up to twelve clergy each year. 


Sabbatical Application Form

Sabbatical Information

If you would like to know more, please contact Jane Hood at Church House.

Discretionary Fund

There is a limited discretionary fund available for clergy. The fund is administered by the Director of Ministry. 

This fund is principally for those engaging in a course of structured training or study with fees / costs above those that could be covered by the standard CMD grant. There are two application points in the year and if there are multiple applications made they will be considered under the following criteria: 

potential gain for the diocese

potential gain for the parish

potential gain for the individual

potential gain for the wider Church.

If you are interested in applying for a grant from this fund, please contact Jane Hood at Church House by email or phone 01928 643428 for an application form. A panel will then decide the allocation of grants. 

Page last updated: Friday 7th June 2024 11:58 AM
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