Full-time incumbent Norbury Church

Full-Time Incumbent of St Thomas’s Norbury

The Parish of St Thomas, Norbury (known as Norbury Church) is situated in Hazel Grove on the southern edge of Greater Manchester close to the Peak District. Transport links are excellent with local motorway, rail and bus services providing easy access to Manchester and the wider area. The Parish has a population of approximately 19,000 whose circumstances vary from significant affluence to pockets of deprivation. The Parish includes six primary schools and one secondary school. 

Norbury Church is a registered Inclusive Church that is rooted in the Scriptures and drawn together by a vision of the love of God. Partnering with the Holy Spirit, we seek to offer a beacon of hope, a community of wholeness and a place of peace in a fractured world. 

What the parish offers:
●   A friendly, welcoming and inclusive Christian community, which believes that Jesus came to share God’s love for all people
●   Well-attended activities where dedicated volunteers welcome the community into our church, including a weekly Welcome Cafe, weekly toddler groups, and an annual holiday club
●   A variety of services and worship styles on Sunday mornings including BCP, Common Worship and contemporary worship
●   Several long-running discipleship activities including: regular retreats, a fortnightly group for 18-25 year olds, and fortnightly home groups. 
●   A 4-bedroom detached vicarage with gardens within easy walking distance from the church, very close to schools and public transport links

Norbury Church is praying for a vicar who will:
●   Lead with clarity to bring stability and rebuild confidence, enabling us to reach out effectively into our community 
●   Be an encourager and a listener, someone who can relate well with people of all ages and backgrounds
●   A skilled communicator and gifted teacher of the scriptures
●   Support volunteers keen to develop our engagement with young people, building on our well-developed children's ministry
●   Work collaboratively with a large team of volunteers (including a  part-time Curate, three Readers and a dedicated PCC) and three employees (Children’s Worker, Verger & Sexton, Musical Worship Leader)
●   Uphold our equality commitment to be a church where all people feel welcome, safe, valued and free to worship without fear, or fear of discrimination.

Accommodation is offered in the vicarage: 75 Chester Road, Hazel Grove, SK7 5PE. 
There are good local amenities, and excellent schools and transport links. 

Closing date:        Sunday    11th May 2025
Interviews:            Friday      30th May 2025

The Diocese of Chester will not shortlist any candidate for posts if they cannot provide an assurance of a valid DBS and up to date safeguarding training.

If you would like to have an informal conversation, please contact:

Bishop of Stockport:
Rt Rev’d Sam Corley  
E:  bpstockport@chester.anglican.org
M: 07878 371 897


Parish profile - Norbury Church

Parish fact sheet - Norbury Church

Appliction form - Norbury Church

Page last updated: Wednesday 19th March 2025 10:53 AM
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