PCC Guidance

Cheques All payments to the Diocesan Board of Finance should be sent to the above address, marked for the attention of the Finance Department.  All Cheques should be made payable to "Chester DBF"

Various questions that the finance department have been asked.

What is the approximate cost of a member of the clergy in Chester Diocese? It depends on the member of the clergy, and what is included in the calculation. The cost to the Diocesan Board of Finance is approximately £54,900 per annum (2014 figures) to cover stipends, national insurance, pension contributions, housing maintenance, and training costs. This excludes both the purchase cost of the house, any improvements to the house and any notional rental value. It also does not take account of fees received from the member of the clergy. In addition to DBF costs, PCCs incur expenditure in paying expenses.

Why has the parish share been increasing so rapidly? Over the last 10 years Chester DBF has had a major reduction in financial support from the Church Commissioners, as the funds have been redirected towards more needy Dioceses. There are no longer any selective allocations from the Church Commissioners. In addition the cost of clergy is rising. One of the most significant items being the establishment of a funded pension scheme in 1997, and more recent increases in stipends and pension contribution rates. More recently some parishes have had higher rises as the new parish share system has been phased in.

Do you have any advice on computer accounts software? Many PCCs operate manual records, and for many PCCs this is perfectly adequate. For small PCCs they may wish to use spreadsheet packages such as Microsoft Excel, MS Works or the free OpenOffice. Larger PCCs are more likely to need specific accounting software. A number of low cost packages exist that are adaptable for PCC needs. A Package specifically designed for Charities and PCCs is available from Data Developments called Finance Co-ordinator (formally Cashcall). Choose the solution most appropriate to your parish needs.

What should we consider when employing a lay worker in the parish? Employment can be a very complex area. In particular PCCs should consider:- Contracts of employment, the Inland Revenue and PAYE, National Insurance, the National Minimum Wage, Stakeholder pensions, Health and safety, Child Protection issues. The Human Resources department may be able to provide to assistance in some of these areas. You may also need to seek professional advice elsewhere.

Can we have a paid lay worker on the PCC? A recent change in the law now allows PCC members to also be employees subject to appropriate safeguards being in place. Details can be found in the following link.


PCCs should consider carefully how conflicts of interest will be managed and in some cases it may still be more appropriate for employees to be invited to attend PCC meetings rather than being PCC members.

What does a new treasurer need to know? Have a look at the information on this page and the links page. Most importantly feel free to give us a ring as things come up. Some of the finance department are currently or have been parish treasurers, and will be happy to talk things through. You may also want to contact your local Deanery treasurer or Deanery Finance Contact.

Registration of PCCs with the Charity Commission

Parochial Church Councils with an income greater than £100,000 are required to be registered with the Charity Commission.

Guidance The National Church of England has produced guidance on the PCC as a charity including details of governing documents, a trusteeship leaflet and other background information www.parishreources.org.uk/pccs.htm

Guidance on the registration process is available http://www.parishresources.org.uk/registration.htm

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