A summary of what should be included in a work specification
The outline information below is not proscriptive but shows the minimum amount of information required for most cases. The overriding principle is that the nature of the work should be clearly identified in a way which is proportionate to the nature of the proposals and the church building.
For large schemes (such as extensions, major re-orderings, toilet facilities, lighting schemes, repairs to very historic fabric, repointing of stonework, spire repairs, entirely new heating systems):
- a set of drawings from your architect
- a detailed description of all work and materials (including, where appropriate, details of mortar mixes)
- necessary clauses about insurance, supervision and compliance with regulations like the CDM Regulations.
For smaller schemes (such as handrails, disabled access ramps, minor re-orderings)
- a set of drawings from your architect
- full description of work and materials
For very minor schemes (such as like-for-like replacement of a church boiler or radiators):
- contractor's quotation supported by a sketch and or photographs, with technical specifications of equipment