Refugee Week - Reflection 5

Hebrews 13:1-2
Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

It seems to me that angels are mostly quiet. Yes, we hear about the noisy ones with big wings and flashing swords. But what of those quieter angels who might be entertained without us even realising it? What are they doing if we don’t even notice they are there?

I have felt myself visited by angels over the last few months. When it was clear that there would be millions of Ukrainians moving across Europe some of my neighbours wanted to do something, anything to help. Good will is infectious. As the willing gathered together there was something of a snowball effect, and now our local group is hosting well over 100 Ukrainian guests, with many more on the way.  Strangers have become friends, and friends have done together what they could not have done apart.

We’ve all benefited (hosts and guests) from the experience of showing hospitality to strangers. But have we entertained angels? To me they have been there with their quiet messages (“angel” is after all a word meaning “messenger”). And the message? Yes, we have learned again that all humanity are sisters and brothers, and strangers are only friends we haven’t met. But, when we listen carefully, we hear the challenge too – why is it that we have done so much more for these white European refugees than for so many others? Mostly though, I have heard the good news the angels bring: I have seen it in the actions of so many over recent months, that the Kingdom of God is waiting to break out all around us, and all that it needs is a little encouragement.

Lord of all humanity,
Give us ears to listen to one another, to words and to actions, and in doing so may we hear your angels who surround us.

The Revd Ian Arch
Vicar of Marton, Siddington with Capesthorne, Eaton with Hulme Walfield, and Swettenham.

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