Finding grants

Online databases and lists to search for grants

Church of England Parish Resources- see section 4 for a list of national grant-making trusts. This is updated as and when needed.

Further online databases and lists

  • Open 4 Funding (Previously known as GrantNet). The Diocese of Chester and Manchester share a license, so it is free for parishes to register and provides a quick and easy search for funding including trustd and government grants.
  • Ecclesiastical Insurance Fundraising Hub. A free searchable database. Also an opportunity to receive 1:1 support from one of their advisors.
  • Heritage Funding Directory.  A free searchable database for finding grants for buildings
  • My Funding Central A free database for finding grant-making trusts for organisations under £30,000 annual turnover, or £50 subscription cost if over
  • Church grants. An online database specifically for churches. Annual subscription charge
  • Funds Online, by the Directory of Social Change. Annual subscription charge
  • Charity Commission. As well as looking at the websites of specific grant-making trusts, it's also useful to look them up for free on the Charity Commission website. Enter the trust's name in the purple 'Charity Search' box. It provides a wealth of information to inform your application.

Local sources of funding

  • Find your local 1). Communuty Voluntary Service (CVS) and 2). Community Foundation on the Community Connections wepbage. They often have a funding page. Some CVS' also have an ebulletin to keep up to date on the latest news and some can offer 1:1 support with fundraising.
  • Merseyside Funding Information Portal. A free searchable database relevent to churches in Halton and Wirral. It is designed for the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector.
  • Why not contact nearby churches and other relevent community organisations for advice on who they have approached for funding? An internet search on local projects and keeping an eye on your local newspaper may also identity suggestions.

Government funding

Code of Fundraising Practice

The Code of Fundraising Practice: guide for churches is a guidance sheet produced by the C of E's Parish Resources team.

Page last updated: Tuesday 20th August 2024 9:27 AM
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