Reader Training in the Diocese of Chester

Exploring Reader Ministry

If you feel that you may be called to Reader ministry it is helpful to explore it thoroughly. Begin by doing the following:

  • Pray that God will help you to know whether you are being called to this ministry
  • Consider the demands on your life and the training involved
  • Talk with your incumbent to explore your calling further
  • Discuss your ideas and feelings with your family, friends, other members of your church fellowship and if possible with a Reader.

Reader Training

Reader training is designed to equip Readers for their future ministry in an ever-changing world. It is demanding both of energy and time. Therefore, if you feel called to be a Reader, you should identify what aspects of Reader ministry attract you and confirm with your incumbent and others that you are gifted in these areas.

Reader training has two essential elements – formation and information. You will not simply learn about things, you will be shaped by your learning.

What work will I have to do?

Before you begin Reader training you must complete the Foundations for Ministry course. 

Once you have completed Foundations for Ministry, the remaining two years of Reader Training is run by Emmanuel Theological College, who provide training for Readers and ordinands across the six dioceses of the north-west (Blackburn, Carlisle, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, Sodor & Man). The dioceses work in close partnership with Emmanuel, which delivers training in different locations across the region, beginning with an induction day in Blackburn Cathedral in September. There is more information here Emmanuel Theological College 

If you would like to chat to someone informally about vocation please complete the Vocational Conversation - Initial Enquiry Form and then send it to who will then arrange the initial contact with a Vocations Adviser.

You will need the support and agreement of your incumbent and your PCC to proceed with Reader training. If you have any questions about Reader training contact the Ministry Team:

Incumbents putting forward candidates for Reader training selection should contact for an application pack.  The closing date for applications is 21 June

Reader Discernment Framework

Click here to download the document



Page last updated: Monday 10th June 2024 8:44 AM
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