Pilgrim Porch

Every parish church and their associated daughter churches are invited to participate in this exciting and historic commission. 

Led by Chester Cathedral and esteemed Cheshire-based artist, Stephen Broadbent, Pilgrim Porch aims to capture a snapshot of worshipping life across the Diocese of Chester. Every contribution will be encapsulated into a new permanent architectural feature and artwork which is to be installed at the west doors of Chester Cathedral.

"Engineering made to last"

The finished installation will be a sculptural bronze porch with ceremonial glass doors positioned at the west end of the Cathedral. It will be unveiled later this year as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The hinges that will support the 3m tall doors have been designed to last at least 300 years. 

A fitting tribute to the Queen

The Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner says: "It is relatively rare that an artist is commissioned to create a new permanent fixture for the interior of a medieval Cathedral. Even more special, though, that such a project can mark and celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of a reigning monarch. We hope that this project will be a fitting tribute to the remarkable reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and a permanent enhancement to the fabric of our Cathedral."

How to participate?

Every parish church and any associated daughter churches as listed in the 2022 Year Book are invited to contribute.

A document produced by Stephen Broadbent and the Cathedral outlines how each church can participate and the Archdeacons wrote to all Incumbents and PCC Secretaries in January 2022. 

Download the briefing document for churches here
Read the Archdeacons' letter to Incumbents and PCC Secretaries here

Take part in three easy steps

1. The congregation must decide what element of their church or worshipping community is a fitting contribution to the project and why.
2. Take two good-quality photographs of the chosen element.
3. Submit the photographs along with a short explanation, directly to the artist, Stephen Broadbent: pilgrim.porch@broadbent.studio

Artist Stephen Broadbent says: “I am asking every church in the diocese to share an image that is significant and meaningful to them. Perhaps it’s an image of a piece of stained glass or a carved detail in the parish church, or another notable element of your worshipping community.

“Together, with almost 400 other contributions from across the diocese, we will create a unique permanent artwork that will form a labyrinth design, symbolically connecting every church to each other and to the Cathedral – the Mother Church of the diocese.”

More information about the artist can be found on his website www.broadbent.studio

Watch Dean Tim talk about Pilgrim Porch

Page last updated: Tuesday 22nd February 2022 5:09 PM
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