Independent reports

The Diocese of Chester has been the subject of a number of recent independent safeguarding reports and continues to respond to the conclusions and implement the recommendations. 

If you are a victim, or you or someone you know is affected by the publication of these reports, support is available




In October 2020, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA, published its overarching investigation report into the Anglican Church in England and Wales, based on the main public hearing in July 2019.

Read the report and the response from the Diocese of Chester

Pearl Report

In October 2020, an independent report by His Hon David Pearl, into the Church's handling of the allegations concerning the late Hubert Victor Whitsey, former Bishop of Chester, was published and concluded that Whitsey sexually abused a large number of children and young persons, and vulnerable adults. 

Read the report and the response from the Diocese of Chester.

Past Cases Review 2

In October 2022, the Church of England published its Past Cases Review 2, a national review of more than 75,000 files. The purpose of PCR2 was to identify both good practice and institutional failings in relation to how allegations of abuse have been handled. Alongside the national report, the Diocese of Chester published an extensive Summary Report detailing the findings of its own review of diocesan files that was undertaken as part of the national PCR2 process. 

Read the national PCR2 Report and diocesan Summary Report.


Diocese of Chester Past Cases Review 2 – Action Plan

The Diocese of Chester has recognised the importance of driving the changes to safeguarding delivery established by the recommendations of the PCR2 Review. The Diocese of Chester PCR2 action plan sets out the recommendation, the action required and who’s responsibility it is against a clear timeline of delivery. The action plan is reviewed regularly by both the Safeguarding Executive Group responsible for strategic delivery and Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel responsible for governance and assurance.

Download the Diocese of Chester Past Cases Review 2 – Action Plan

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