Treasurer Support Network


What is The Treasurer Support Network?

The Treasurer Support Network seeks to unite treasurers throughout the Diocese. It serves as a platform to equip and  empower volunteers to fulfil their duties with knowledge and confidence.  We host regular Zoom sessions to discuss a variety of topics, highlight training opportunities, and signpost to useful resources. With numerous seasoned treasurers contributing their expertise, we aim to forge a robust community of proficient treasurers to strengthen our Parochial Church Councils and Churches.

Keep a look out on the e-bulletin for events and updates. All information will be posted on this page of the website. 

Download: Treasurers' Calendar


Network and Drop in Sessions

Here, you can access details of our monthly networking meetings and drop-in sessions. These sessions are intended to promote knowledge exchange and provide treasurers with the chance to pose specific questions about their roles, accounting practices, software issues, and to cultivate a supportive network among colleagues.



A summary of the systems available to Parishes to help them manage their Accounts, Payroll, Donations and Gift aid Claims.


System Training

Here you access details of our My Fund Accounting and My Giving onboarding schedule of training

Treasurer Training

This page offers new treasurers, or those seeking to remain current with the latest requirements and standards, the chance to explore training options tailored for the role of a Church Treasurer.

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Gift Aid Training

This page provides an opportunity for new Gift Aid Secretaries, or those aiming to stay updated with the latest requirements and standards, to discover training options specifically designed for the Gift Aid Secretary role.

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Useful links for Treasurers

This page lists useful links to external websites that are relevant to treasurers.


Treasure the Treasurer Roadshow

The Chester Diocese ‘Treasure the Treasurer’ Tour is coming your way to help reduce the administrative burden on those with the responsibility of managing the finances in our churches.

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