Parish Share

The Parish Share is a contribution by parishes in the Diocese towards the cost of the provision and support of Parish mission and ministry.

The amount requested of each parish is calculated on the basis of the cost of one priest and support services; this amount is known as the standard parish share. The amount requested is this figure adjusted for clergy numbers and socio economic factors.

The middle half of parishes with average ability to pay contribute 105% of this adjusted figure; ie a small contribution. The parishes with above average ability to pay contribute greater amounts up to 145% of this figure, while the least able to pay contribute smaller amounts down to a minimum of 25%. By this, the 25% of parishes with least ability to pay are supported by the 25% with greatest ability to pay.

Parishes, via treasurers or other representative have been notified of parish share amounts for 2024. For parishes paying by direct debit, we will collect in full on the last working day of each month unless otherwise notified.

Please note: the cut off for any direct debit changes is the 20th of each month - please contact Sharon Taylor-Booth (01928 643449) or Gill Ellis (ext 01928 643421)

The following documents were sent:-

Parish Share List 2023/24 parish shares for every parish in the diocese

Parish Share 2024 Background Information

Questions, problems, appeals, contacts

Diocesan Synod Budget Paper





Page last updated: Friday 29th November 2024 10:57 AM
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