Resources for Lent

Dancing with Powerlessness: Between the Stones and the Firelight (Book 3) 
The Bishop of Chester’s Lent Book 2025
£5.99 (£4.99 in Kindle format)

How can it be that the Lord of all that has been, will be, and could ever be lies powerless in an animal trough dependant an exhausted mother’s milk for his very survival? In what universe does Almighty God redeem rebels by letting them murder him?
Powerlessness shocks, but it is writ large through the Scriptures and is the counter-cultural call to transform the world. We who seek to follow have much to learn.
Dancing with Powerlessness is the third of three books exploring the space ‘between Stones and Firelight’, searching for practical grace in a complex and demanding world. This third book unpacks the lost theme of powerlessness in both Testaments, offering practical wisdom for everyday faithfulness.
Study material and podcasts will be coming shortly – watch this space!

It is available here:

& Kindle version here:



Wild Bright Hope

Reflections on Faith - The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025

by SPCK. £11.36   


This hugely heartening book on hope will galvanise readers into looking at the world and the challenges we're facing in a new way.

It gathers together a fantastic range of lively, up-and-coming writers who are willing to dig deep. Here they write passionately about what gives them hope, in reflections including Seeds of unity, A beautiful and messy awakening, Kingdom diplomacy across faiths, A vision for hope in politics, Wild paths of peace and Hope in suffering.

Wild Bright Hope urges us not only to embrace a more hopeful perspective, but also to consider how we ourselves might play a full part in bringing in the kingdom of God.


Hope in Hard Places

£4.99 (discounts for bulk buys)

Embrace the Middle East 


Journey with us this Lent as we look at stories of steadfast faith, hope and trust found in the Bible and reflect on what God's transformational love can mean for our world today. Find encouragement and strength in stories of hope that span over 3000 years of history - showing us that God remains with us at all times.


Suitable for individual reflection or to use with a small group as a Lent Course.


This guide includes:


Weekly Bible readings

Scriptural reflections

Stories from Middle East partners

Questions and discussion topics

Prayers and action points


Calling a Wounded Planet Home

Free download

Inspired by Green Christian’s Deep Waters Course, it asks “What kind of people might we need to be to face the challenges of climate change?”

Here is a space to go deeper together, and a space of contemplation that can resource meaningful action.

Covering topics of Love, Truth, Wisdom, Justice and Hope, this course uses music, prayer and Bible texts to inform reflection and discussion on creation care and the climate crisis, with the potential for positive and grounded outcomes for both community and church. It is discussion based with little input “from the front”, trusting that there is expertise, experience and faith enough in the room.

As with all Green Christian resources, we strongly encourage a culture of respect, generosity and confidentiality. There are no easy answers, and it is good to journey together in mutual support and encouragement.

You can download the materials for the Lent Course here:


You should find that the links in the pdf document take you to the additional resources – but if you have any difficulty with these, please email Cat Jenkins on, and she’ll do her best to help.

More details at:



The Whole Easter Story: Why the Cross is Good News for All Creation

BRF Lent Book

by Jo Swinney. £8.79

Discover the Easter story's profound impact on faith, relationships, and care for God’s creation with Jo Swinney’s reflective Lenten guide.

Explore the profound meaning of Easter beyond personal spirituality.

There is no doubt that each of us has a place in the Easter story, but what happened on the cross is not just a story of me and Jesus. It is far deeper and wider than that.

In this Lenten journey, Jo Swinney explores the broader impact of the Easter story on God’s relationship with creation. Through Bible readings, reflections and stories from A Rocha’s global conservation efforts, discover how the cross transforms not just our own individual connection with Jesus, but also our relationships with each other and our world.



The Final Days

A Lenten Journey Through the Gospels 

by Matt Rawle. £13.93


This Lenten guide explores the four Gospels’ differing accounts of Jesus’ Passion, offering a fuller picture of His suffering, death, and resurrection.

This Lent, ponder the themes of justice, poverty, freedom, and love.

The four New Testament Gospels aren’t the same story, but they offer the same Resurrection hope. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John devote most of their story detailing Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem, all highlighting Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city, the suffering and humiliation of the cross, and the empty tomb come Sunday morning, but the stories they tell aren’t quite the same.

Each Gospel offers a different lens through which we understand Jesus’ Passion. One portrait reveals Jesus to be in control, while another emphasizes his suffering. In one story Jesus offers hope to the thief on the cross, and in another Jesus only receives derision. These different perspectives aren’t a reason to dismiss the Gospels; rather the reveal an abundant, diverse, and complementary picture of God’s work in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.



The Sacraments

York Courses

£5.99 – 14.99 depending on format

Jane Williams, known for her profoundly perceptive and engaging writing, is a wonderful companion to have on this exhilarating course for Lent or any time of year.


Acknowledging that the sacraments can seem confusing, divisive or (frankly!) incomprehensible, she reveals them to be a glorious expression of God's love for the world in all its beauty and brokenness. The sacraments invite us to enter into the mystery that the world has meaning and purpose and that all things come together in Jesus. If we are willing, in loving response, to become part of the action ourselves, we will surely find ourselves not only refreshed but re-enchanted.

Available as paperback or ebook, on CD, as a Digital Download, as well as participant booklets.

It can be ordered from:

Previous York courses are still available from:



Living to Please God: Life for a higher purpose and pleasure

IVP. £10.99 

By Lee Gatiss

How can we live for a higher purpose and pleasure in both this life and the next

That is the subject of this short but thought-provoking book, which traces the theme of "pleasing God" through the whole Bible, with Jesus at its centre, along with saints through the ages who have explored the same practical question. Whether read as a weekly Lent study, or at any time of year, Lee Gatiss offers a sure-footed and warm-hearted guide.

This book will help you grasp the Bible's teaching on the subject of living to please God, as well as reveal how the Old and New Testaments fit together around that theme. Drawing deeply on the wells of the past, you will be inspired and equipped to live to please God in daily life.


Devotional Readings


Living Hope

Daily resources based on the C of E’s Lent 2025 theme (see above)

£2.50 (Discounts available for larger orders)


Living Hope invites you to explore the hope God offers us – not wishful thinking, but something real, robust, alive. Each week it considers the idea of hope from a different angle as we journey with Jesus on the road that leads to the cross – and beyond, to the transforming hope of Easter Day. This booklet for adults offers daily Bible readings, pictures, short reflections, prayers and practical ideas to help you grow in hope and in faith during Lent. Living Hope is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2025. Supporting resources for churches, groups and individuals can be found via:

You can find it here (and other booksellers):

A Child (& family) version is also available.



Reflections for Lent 2025

Daily resources based on the lectionary readings for Lent 2025



Reflections for Lent is designed to enhance your spiritual journey through the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday.


Covering Monday to Saturday each week, it offers reflections on readings from the Common Worship Lectionary, written by some of today's leading spiritual and theological writers.


Each day includes:


• Full lectionary details for Morning Prayer

• A reflection on one of the Bible readings

• A Collect for the day


This volume offers daily material for 5 March to 19 April 2025, taken from the Reflections for Daily Prayer 2024/25 annual edition. It is ideal for individuals and groups seeking a simple yet profound daily prayer companion throughout Lent.



Searched Me Out and Known Me

Journeying Lent with the Psalms 

by Charlie Bell. £12.59


This is first and foremost a pastoral Lent book, based on an exploration of the Psalms.

Over 15 chapters the following Psalms and corresponding themes are explored: 51 (Preparation, Repentance, Reflection, and Sin); 91 (Reliance); 102 (Lament); 32 (Sanctification); 34 (Abundance); 23 (Service); 118 (Power); 103 (Fear); 16 (Doubt); 55 (Betrayal); 116 (Companionship); 22 (Faith and Hope); 130 (Watching and waiting); 85 (Redemption through love).

Each chapter is built around one of the above psalms, the day’s Gospel according to the Church of England’s lectionary, and concludes with the Church of England’s daily collect. Beyond the first chapter, it aims to offer readers a reflection on the psalm and reading, some discussion around a theme, thematic prayers, and further questions. These further questions can be used as the basis of a Lent discussion group or for individual study and consideration.



In Quietness & Trust

Lent Devotions from the Beatitudes 

by Matt Searles. £6.47


Journey through the beatitudes this Easter with 40 devotions that reveal Jesus’ path to freedom, joy, and life from author of Comfort & Joy, Matt Searles.

Early in his ministry, Jesus gave his followers a description of how he wants his people to live. Rather than seeking to ascend to God, Christian discipleship is a downward flourishing; a counter-cultural way of blessing. These 40 devotions, with a daily reading and short reflection, will guide you through the beatitudes Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount. This Easter, join Jesus on his path to the cross, and see that his way – though so different to the way of the world – leads to freedom, joy, and life.



The Hand Of The Lord

Daily Devotions for Lent And Easter 

by Matthew Rosebrock. £3.99


Observe the final days of Jesus' life before His death and resurrection with this Lent and Easter devotional. Starting on Ash Wednesday and going through Easter Sunday, read a devotion a day including a printed verse, a Bible passage for reflection, and a short prayer. Designed as a quick study for the whole family, the forty-seven devotions have real-life applications and relevant biblical connections.2024 Lent Theme: The Hand of The Lord

The Lord's mighty, saving hand is seen all over the Old Testament, especially in the book of Exodus. The Lord's strong hand saved His people from the grip of Pharaoh and led them safely through the Red Sea. He set them apart as His people; the finger of God inscribed His commandments. But things again got out of hand, with the people worshiping a golden calf—and then the tablets lay broken at the foot of Mount Sinai. Still, the Lord forgave and made His dwelling among His people in the tabernacle. He led His people by His hand toward the Promised Land, even though it took forty years in the desert.

The redemption of God's people in Exodus foreshadows the great redemption that Jesus accomplished for us by His hand, and it is still with us today. On His cross, Jesus rescued us from the bondage to sin, death, and the devil. Even though we still falter by the work of our hands, He does not leave us. For we are daily called to repentance, and we receive the forgiveness with which He fills our empty hands. Indeed, He still leads us by His hand into life everlasting.


Healing Wounds

The 2025 Bloomsbury Lent Book 

by Fr Erik Varden. £15.94 


Are we healed through our wounds or are our wounds themselves healed from some other source?

In this 2025 Lent Book, Erik Varden starts by examining the New Testament where it spells out why Christ's wounds were efficacious for the healing of humankind. Indeed, why they were necessary for the purpose. This austere way of thinking is indispensable but it has never really satisfied the effective needs of believers or the intuitions of the heart.

Bob Dylan once said, tongue in cheek, 'Pain sure does bring out the best in people.' The philosopher Donald MacKinnon said, 'Suffering never ennobled anyone.' Suffering by nature poses questions people wrestle with today in many fields of life with counsellors, therapists, philosophers, and spiritual directors. But the conundrum remains and in this book Varden sets out to resolve it.

Daily Materials for individuals and churches

From the Methodist Church – free.

What's available for individuals?

40 daily deliveries of spiritual nourishment through Lent, delivered to your email inbox. 

Here’s what to expect each day if you sign up:

Monday: A recipe video using easily available ingredients. We encourage you to cook and share this with your community—perhaps as a Sunday meal after church!

Tuesday: A Bible study video, with discussion on questions from the week’s Gospel passage.

Wednesday: A craft video, perfect for doing at home or in a group setting.

Thursday: An inspiring story about how the Methodist Church and our partners work to ensure nourishment and care for all.

Friday: A reflection on a classic soul song, revealing the good news within its lyrics.

Saturday: Soul Food Saturday, our magazine-style video show, featuring a panel sharing weekly highlights and showcasing photos from across the church. We’d love to see what you’re up to during Lent!

Sunday: No email, but we invite you to gather in worship, reflecting on the theme as you praise God together.


What's available for churches?

We'll be making the following resources available for churches to download or order, to get involved with our Lent 2025 campaign:

  • Worship Resource pack with key elements including:
    • Theme and Scripture: Passages are drawn from the lectionary and quoted from the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition.
    • Songs and Hymns: Additional song suggestions complement Singing the Faith recommendations, drawing from its full contents and the Resources Hub.
    • Opening Liturgy: Includes words for reflection and an object to place around a Lenten cross, thanks to the Revd Elaine Halls. The complete liturgy is available as a separate PDF, ideal for printing and distributing.
    • Background Notes: Brief contextual notes for each service, connecting the theme with selected Bible passages. This year, we’ve deepened the exegesis based on your feedback—feel free to draw from these as needed, though they’re not designed to be read out as a sermon.
    • Questions: These can serve as sermon points or discussion prompts, encouraging the congregation to explore their faith. They also work well in small group settings.
    • Hands-On Activities: Intergenerational activities to engage all ages and make your service interactive. With a few adjustments, these activities can also be used with online groups.
    • Prayer Ideas: Creative options for incorporating prayer into the service.
    • Good News to Get Across: A central message for newcomers. Repeat it often to make it memorable!
    • Ways People Can Respond: Simple, accessible ways for individuals to respond personally to the message.
    • Prayer of Blessing: A closing blessing to end the service with encouragement and grace.
  • Posters profesionally printed from Methodist Publishing and downloadable versions:
  • Digital assets for social media and website content


Do Lent generously

40acts 2025:



Join the 40acts movement and be involved in spreading the love of Jesus through 40 days of intentional generosity

In partnership with Gospel Entrepreneurs and The Way.



Prayer journeys for Lent 2025 

LICC – free.

In his daily life, Jesus carved out time to withdraw to quiet places to pray, spend time with his Father, and reflect upon his calling – perhaps most significantly in the days leading up to his death. These moments equipped him to live out his God-given purpose. 

To help you and your people do the same this Lent, we’ve hand-picked three of our popular 40-day devotional journeys for churches to follow together. They’re available via email or the YouVersion app – and, if you choose the latter, you can share your reflections with others in your church through the group chat.

Page last updated: Tuesday 4th February 2025 1:25 PM
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