The First Mark of Mission is “To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom” summed up in the word Evangelism.
So, what do you think when you hear the word ‘evangelism’? For too many people it doesn’t conjure up positive images or thoughts. Too often that’s because it’s been done insensitively and sometimes downright badly, but it needed be like that!
Instead, sharing the Good News of Jesus should be exactly that – Good News for the people who receive it.
But still the thought can be scary – but there is hope, because there are things you can do to overcome those fears and to share Jesus naturally and effectively. And we are here to help you do just that.
If you want some specific help (as an individual or as a church) then do get in touch and we’ll work with you on something that is appropriate for your context.
There are also some general principles that might be helpful:
1. Don’t Panic!
You’re not alone if you feel nervous about it. But God is with you, and it’s him that does the real work. Our task is just to share what we can of his love as we’ve experienced it in our lives – but only when the time is right.
2. Do it your way!
The key thing is to be yourself – that’s who God made to show his image to the world. So although you might occasionally do things outside your comfort zone (that’s how we grow), please ‘do what comes naturally’.
3. You don’t have to have all the answers!
In fact, it’s best to recognise that you are on a journey as well, and might well learn something from listening to and sharing with someone else
4. Make the most of the contacts you already have!
Research (by Talking Jesus – see below) shows that most people have a positive view of Christians, and around 20% of those people would value a more in-depth conversation about faith.
5. Run an enquirers course!
Again, research (by Leading your Church into Growth – see below) shows that churches who regularly run enquirers course (such as Alpha, Christianity Explored, Emmaus, Start, etc.) even with a few people, are more like to be growing. The beauty here is that they provide a lot of the resources, all you need to do is host it, and be willing to listen and learn along with the other participants.
There are also some great resources available which are great starting points as well.
Here are just a few of them:
Talking Jesus
A short, easily accessible course to help everyone share their faith naturally and relevantly. It will inspire you to share your faith and will give you practical suggestions to help you as you talk about Jesus with the people you meet.
Conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in bringing people to faith. In this course, there are six encouraging, video-based sessions with short films, inspirational, short testimonies, real-life examples from people who are talking Jesus, and a short, easy-to-follow course book.
There is plenty of chance to discuss with others, and for everyone to feel more confident in sharing their faith. Based on research, this course from Hope Together, the Church of England and the Evangelical Alliance, is accessible and useful for churches of all traditions.
Leading your Evangelism into Growth
Run by the Leading your Church into Growth team, A teaching course for evangelists, teach-ers, youth and family workers, church leaders and helpers who want to introduce evangelism more and more into the work and life of their local church.
A conference for those who want to get started, those who want to get better at it, or those who want to move to the next level.
We will consider questions and themes such as...
- What is evangelism?
- How did Jesus and Paul do it?
- What is the Gospel for our world today?
- The local church and its mission field.
- Scattering seeds using social media, publicity, and word of mouth.
- One-to-one evangelism.
- Setting up an evangelistic event.
- How to give a really good evangelistic talk.
- Running an enquirer's group that works.
You don't need to be good at it or to feel you are anointed at it, you just have to want it. See
CPAS – How to nurture a faith-sharing culture
A new resource from CPAS which will be launched on 3rd March, so keep an eye on their website for more details:
Fruitfulness on the Frontline
We all have an everyday context that’s significant to God, full of people who matter to God. But can we see how God might have been working in and through us on our frontlines? And can we imagine what more God might want to do there?
Brimming with real-life stories, biblical insight, and practical steps, these resources will spark your imagination and enrich your sense of wonder at the greatness and grace of the God who invites us to join his glorious work.
The suite includes a book (for individual reading) and small group series (including videos), which explore six ‘M’s – six expressions of fruitfulness:
01: Modelling Godly Character - On our frontlines, godly character is both modelled and displayed
02: Making Good Work - There is dignity and value in the everyday tasks we do
03: Ministering Grace & Love - God has shown us grace and love, how might we minister to those around us?
04: Moulding Culture - How can we influence the culture on our frontlines so people flourish more?
05: Mouthpiece for Truth & Justice - Becoming champions of right living and fair dealing on our frontlines
06: Messenger of the Gospel - Growing in confidence in talking about Jesus with people on our frontlines
This is an ideal follow-up resource to Life on the Frontline. If you haven’t used that resource you might want to check it out first!
The Word – One to One
Everything you need to share God’s Word
The Word One to One takes you through John’s Gospel in bitesize ‘episodes,’ presenting the Bible text alongside helpful notes to guide your conversation.
It means there’s no pressure on you to have all the answers - you simply need to turn the pages, and let God’s Word speak!
John Hellewell – Mission Adviser