The Department for Outreach is part of Church House and exists to serve the parishes and ministries of the Diocese by helping them to live out the Five Marks of Mission. These are the Anglican Church’s way of describing how Christians serve one another and the world.
The Five Marks are;
To tell: To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach: To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
To tend: To respond to human need by loving service
To transform: To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
To treasure: To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
The people supporting you in the Department for Outreach are:
Peter Froggatt - Director
Peter supports the work of the team as a whole and has a particular role in encouraging those in leadership in local churches, and in connecting parishes, the Department, the wider diocese and national initiatives.
T: 01928 643 444 M:07590 396782 E:
Jill Elston - Diocesan Environment Adviser
Jill supports parishes on their Eco Church journey and as they seek to grow in the fifth mark of mission both in their churches and communities. Jill works closely with the Net Zero Carbon Project Officer, the Buildings for Mission Advisor and the national environment team towards the Arocha Eco Diocese awards and creation care across the diocese.
T: 07860 302951 E:
Rebecca Hathaway - Outreach Administrator
One of the Administrator’s for the Department of Outreach. As well as taking minutes for several forums and the Outreach Committee, Rebecca is key point of contact for Statistics for Mission and Survey of Planned Giving enquiries.
T: 01928 643 445 E:
John Hellewell - Mission Adviser
John helps churches as they look to grow in the first two marks of mission. He helps them to be intentional in making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ, talking to church leaders and PCC’s and running training events.
T: 01928 643 432 EXT: 235 M: 07874 295510 E:
Katy Herrera - Families, Children and Youth Advisor
Katy supports parishes to develop faith among children and young people in their homes, schools and churches across the Diocese. Katy also visits any churches and PCCs that are interested in growing their children and youth ministies or those with existing ministries that are simply in need of encouragement, inspiration and fresh vision.
M: 07549 209134 E:
Rebecca Holland - Jesus Shaped People & Inter-generational Champion
Rebecca is the Jesus Shaped People and I-Gen Champion and will be working with churches across the Diocese as they undertake their adventure. She is a member of the Jesus Shaped People Innovation team as the representative for Chester Diocese.
M: 07745 116507: E:
Hannah Jones - Outreach Administrator
As well as providing support to the Counselling service and Environment forum, Hannah enables the events of the Outreach Department. She is particularly involved in supporting the rural, urban and larger church networks. Hannah also puts together the Cycle of Prayer.
T: 01928 643447 M:07702 621218 E: (Working days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
Bessia Kanengoni - Digital Giving Adviser
Bessia is providing support and guidance to parishes in introducing digital forms of giving, including online giving, webpages, QR codes and contactless donations systems. She is also involved in promoting generosity and giving in general.
T: 01928 643 418 M:07732 901740 E:
Peter Mackriell - Head of Counselling
Peter heads the team of volunteer counsellors who make up the Diocesan Counselling service and co-ordinates the support they offer to people from across the diocese. He provides pastoral supervision for clergy and trains others in pastoral supervision, enables clergy peer support groups and chairs the Mental Health Forum.
M: 07918 732806 E:
Sue Pocock - Flourish Coordinator
Flourish is a new pilot scheme funded by the National Church, to develop new missional communities in church of England schools. Its aim is to encourage collaboration between the school, pupils and the local church in the creation of intergenerational faith development, involving children and their families. These are designed and created by each project, in the context of their local community. In Chester Diocese we have four projects, these are co-ordinated and supported by Sue
M:07910 777740 E:
Katy Purvis - Net Zero Carbon Project Officer
Katy is our Net Zero Carbon Project Officer. Her job is to develop and drive the Diocesan Net Zero Carbon Action Plan so that we meet the Church of England target of Net Zero by 2030. This involves finding ways to reduce emissions in the areas over which the Diocese has direct control; clergy housing, Diocesan offices and staff travel. It is also about providing support to areas which the Diocese has influence but no direct control, such as churches, parish property, schools, the Cathedral and Emmanuel Theological College.
M: 07752 798148 E:
Danny Sedano - Youth Co-ordinator for Runcorn
Danny splits his time between Church House and parish life in Norton, Runcorn. Danny is working alongside the parishes in Runcorn in seeking God's leading in; beginning and developing their work with young people; realising, developing and equipping leaders; and empowering young people.
M: 07935 354004 E:
Sheena Wilson - Lead Officer for Buildings & Environment
Sheena helps parishes to review how they are using their church spaces for Mission. She assists with finding funding streams for repairs and improvements as well as helping with technical building enquires. Working closely with the DAC team, Sheena supports building projects from conception to fruition.
M:07729 072228 E:
Nadene Wright - Racial Justice Officer
Nadene is our Diocesan racial justice officer who advocates for marginalised voices in our churches, communities and schools. She also aims to raise awareness of racial disparities through the introduction of courses and anti-racist presentations.
M:07702 618956 E: