
Seeking Trustees for a new Multi Academy Trust

Chester Diocesan Board of Education has published its strategy as a response to the move towards a fully academized education system for all schools, not just across the Diocese but across the country. As part of the strategy, a second Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) will be created, led by a new team of Trustees.

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A Church Near You - Get ready for Easter

Help people find your church during Easter by adding your Easter services and events to


Sundays @ 7

On the first Sunday of most months, St Mary's Upton holds an in-depth interview with a prominent Christian who has a story about how God has been at work in their life. The event is very popular, often attracting nearly 200 people regularly.


The extraordinary, ordinary work of churches

It’s always great to hear about churches that have done something a little different - It makes good news copy. But what about the churches that we never really hear about, the ones that are doing great work in their community each and everyday, connecting with people in their community and making a real difference to people’s lives.

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The Dangers of Using Copyrighted Images Online

An increasing number of churches are finding themselves embroiled in copyright disputes because they have been using images on their website and social media pages without the consent of the copyright holder. Is your church next?


Chair of Partners in World Mission

Bishop Mark has appointed Lesley Bentley to be Chair of Partners in World Mission in the Diocese of Chester, a new post that she will occupy as a volunteer.  


St Bert’s Completes Community Hub

St Bert's church in Norton, Runcorn, has finished the building work on their church, transforming it into a place for the whole community. On Friday 16 February, they celebrated their achievement with an official opening ceremony followed by lunch and a community event.


'How I Came to Faith' - John Bentley

In the first of our 'How I Came to Faith', series, we hear from John Bentley, who speaks openly about how his Father died when he was only eleven years old. John remembers the transitional moment when he became a Christian at fifteen years old while painting a fence.


Lent theme for 2024 is Watch and Pray

The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2024 is Watch and Pray: Wisdom and hope for Lent and life. It draws on the wisdom of Black Spirituality, particularly the practice of “tarrying” (waiting) as a community to draw closer to Jesus and to each other.

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Next Archdeacon of Macclesfield announced

Following a period of discernment, The Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner, is pleased to announce that the Reverend Jane Proudfoot has been appointed as the next Archdeacon of Macclesfield.

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A Chaplaincy with the RNLI

Revd Paul Rossiter is the Vicar of St Hildeburgh's Parish Church, Hoylake and also the Chaplain for the town's RNLI Lifeboat station. We asked him what it means to be a chaplain for the RNLI and how this part of his ministry sits alongside being a vicar for the local church.

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Men's Breakfast feeds the soul

Christchurch in Moreton runs a Men's Breakfast on the third Saturday of every month. It's a chance for men to talk, share thoughts, hear a short talk and enjoy a big hearty full English.


A Prayer Space re-imagined

When Revd Hannah Amner arrived as the Chaplain for Bishops' Blue Coat C of E High School, Chester in the middle of last year, she felt that the neutral colours of the walls in the prayer space could do with brightening up a bit. Undecided about what creative direction to take she put the task in the hands of those that it would make the most difference to, the students.

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How could you serve God? Book for Called to Serve

As we explore together how God is calling us all to bless the 1.5m in this diocese, are you thinking how God might be calling to serve? If that’s you, then the Called to Serve event at Foxhill on Saturday January 27th could be what you need to help you explore the next step.


‘Discovery’ to illuminate Chester Cathedral

‘Discovery’ is a spectacular sound and light experience event coming to Chester Cathedral In February. Themed around ‘Science and Space’ the installation, a first for Chester, invites people to ponder our relationship with our planet and beyond.

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The Well Celebrates Bishop's Mission Order

The Well, a new church congregation established in June last year at Wirral Waters, the huge housing development in Birkenhead, has recently been granted a Bishop's Mission Order by Bishop Mark. They


St James, Millbrook - The power of faith

Curate, Revd Charlie Laver,  explains how faith has given a new sense of energy and rejuvenation to St James, Millbrook, a church facing some very difficult decisions just a couple of years ago. 

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A Christmas message from Bishop Mark

In the last of a series of four Advent Sunday messages from our three Bishops, Bishop Mark talks about one of the core themes of our vision, 'Engage locally, in loving generosity'.

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A Christmas message from Bishop Sam

In the third of a series of four Advent Sunday messages from our three Bishops, Bishop Sam talks about one of the core themes of our vision, 'Transformative service in practice'.

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Christmas tree festival attracts record numbers

The St Barnabas Bromborough Christmas tree festival hosted more than 80 trees this year, and has attracted over 3,000 visitors, - a record number in the 8 years the event has been held.


Join the Jesus Shaped Adventure

Rebecca Holland is our recently appointed Jesus Shaped People Champion and is inviting churches to join other churches on a 15-week programme that supports churches to think more like Jesus.

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A Christmas Message from Bishop Julie

In the second of a series of four Advent Sunday messages from our three Bishops, Bishop Julie talks about one of the core themes of our vision, 'Growing braver, fuller faith'.

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Epiphany/Vision Sunday resource pack

Churches across the Diocese of Chester are being invited to use the season of Epiphany to pray for the diocesan vision by holding a Vision Sunday service. To support this an Epiphany/Vision Sunday resource pack titled 'Together in Christ, Sharing Hope.'

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New Bishop’s Advisers for Licensed Lay Ministers

The Ministry Team at Church House is delighted to welcome two new members of staff. Jeanette Howe and Karen MacMillan jointly share the role of Bishop’s Adviser for Licensed Lay Ministers, working the equivalent of a full-time role.

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Advent Sunday message from Bishop Mark

In the first of a series of four Advent Sunday messages from our three Bishops, Bishop Mark talks about one of the core themes of our vision, "Blessing 1.5 million lives, one life at a time."

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Greater than the sum of their parts

Hope Central is a Christian charity committed to bringing hope and relieving poverty in Cheshire East. It was formed by three churches working together to bring help and services to the local community, which they wouldn't have been able to provide independently of each other.


COP 28 Statement sent to Prime Minister

Bishop Julie and other senior clergy from Churches Together in the Merseyside region have collectively written and signed a letter to the Prime Minister to offer their support and prayers for the COP28 Summit.

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New Children and Youth Advisor

Katy Herrera is the new Families, Children, and Youth Advisor. Based at Church House, she will be supporting parishes to develop faith among children and young people in their homes, schools and churches across the diocese.


Join the Song - This Christmas

The Church of England has released a Christmas single, as part of a campaign encouraging people to come to church, sing carols, and celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.

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Church of England releases Advent Calendar

The Church of England has released its first-ever printed Advent Calendar, inviting people to put the birth of Jesus at the heart of their Christmas preparations.

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