Youth Speak members attend Diocesan Synod

Two members of Youth Speak came to Diocesan Synod this weekend. We interviewed them on camera to find out what they thought of the meeting and were pleased to hear that it was more interesting than they thought.



Youth Speak

Are you between 10 and 18 years old? Do you think the Church could do better? Could it be more effective in tackling climate change? Could it make an even bigger difference in local communities? Could it be more inclusive? Could it be more effective in enabling other young people to discover who Jesus is? We would love to know your thoughts on these and loads of other questions - as well as what we might do about them. Church could do better, and we need you to speak up and say how.

If you’d like to be involved in growing and changing the Church then we’d really like to hear from you. Youth Speak is looking for people just like you to join us, a group of young people from all over the Diocese of Chester who really want to contribute and share ideas on how the church can change for the better, for us, for others and for the future of the Church.


Jonathan Masters: Youth, Children and Families Missioner
T: 01928 718834   EXT: 231 M: 07595 069880  E:

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