We're an Eco Diocese!

Congratulations to the Diocesan Eco Forum who have received their A Rocha bronze award. Receiving the commemorative wooden plaque, Chair, Rev Mike Loach thanked the volunteers at a presentation at Church House which was attended by staff and the new Diocesan Environment Adviser, Revd Jill Elston who starts in post next month.

Bishop Mark reminded everyone that one of the Church of England’s five marks of mission is to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Pictured (left to right): John Freeman, Revd Mike Loach, Bishop Mark Tanner, Rev’d Jill Elston, Andrew Needham, Sheena Wilson, Rebecca Hathaway.

A prayer for our Eco Diocese

Heavenly Father, we thank you for those who have worked to draw attention to our suffering earth and have enabled us to take these first steps with A Rocha in Church House and across the Diocese. We thank you for the persistence of the Environment Forum the work of the parishes and schools, the encouragement of Bishops and Archdeacons and the support of staff at Church House. Thank you for enabling us to work together and for the progress that has been made.

As we look forwards we pray that you would continue to stir us to work together, humbly and sacrificially, to reflect the love, the redemption and the presence of God in his creation. We ask that we would be moved to live more gently, generously and sustainably with a concern for the most vulnerable and for the generations to come. We pray for Rev Jill Elston, our new Diocesan Environment Adviser, that her work would help churches, schools and chaplaincies to work more closely with you and glorify you as they care for all that you have given us.


Details of the A Rocha Eco Diocese award and criteria can be found here: Eco Diocese - Eco Church (arocha.org.uk)


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