Transforming a space to welcome children.

St. Mary’s Church in Partington and Carrington have recently re-vamped their children’s area offering a more welcoming space for the younger members of the church.
Over the last few months St. Mary’s have been discussing what means to be an inclusive church and as part of that process they spent some time thinking about the welcome they extend to various people. It was recognised that the children’s area in church had begun to look tired. So, a team of church members, including the mum and grandma of their youngest member of the church, set about dreaming up ideas of what the space could look like and what they might like to include. Then, with the help of Trevor, a gifted artist and church member, the ideas came to life.

The area is a flexible space providing comfy seating for prayer ministry when it’s not in use by the children, and puzzles, colouring, toys and books which can all be put away in the storage boxes. Large brightly painted panels of mountains and leaves frame the area on which the words ‘Over the mountains and the sea, your river runs with love for me’ are written, taken from the song ‘Over the Mountains and the Sea’ by Martin Smith which speak of God’s love coming down for each one of us. 

Rev. Jane Mottram, Assistant Curate says,  “It’s been a delight to see the children wide-eyed coming into the space for the first time, excited to explore what’s in the boxes and pointing out the animals they chose to be painted into the scene.”
Our prayer is that as children come into church, for Sunday morning worship, Messy Church, our parent and toddler group, and for weddings, baptisms and funerals, they will join with us in knowing and singing of God’s love for them.


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