The Quiet Path … now in paperback

Foxhill favourite publishes a new book of walking and noticing.

Andrew and Wendy Rudd are back at Foxhill later this month with a two-day residential retreat, The Quiet Path (27-29 September). It’s an opportunity to engage with art, poetry, music and the outdoor areas surrounding the house. 

The Quiet Path is also the title of Andrew’s new book in which he shares his practice of walking, noticing, recognizing and writing. 

In his introduction, Andrew explains that there are three parts or movements to The Quiet Path:

  1. ‘The Walking Way’ – how a simple practice of walking, along the paths you know, can become a quiet path full of wonder
  2. ‘The Seeing Way’ – a kind of clearing in the middle of the wood where many paths converge
  3. ‘The Writing Way’ – how writing itself can become a quiet path.

“You will find this to be a book of bits: reflections, digressions, maps, jottings, listenings… You could read a page a day, or dip in and out, starting and stopping. Every page is a short walk to a quiet place.”

He’s been telling us about how he has developed a pathway to deeper awareness of a presence in all things.

Hear Andrew reading some of his poems here

'Into nature', with the poem 'Home'



Book your place for The Quiet Path

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