Revd Taffy Davies on Graham Norton

If you saw the Graham Norton show this last weekend you might have recognised Revd Taffy Davies being interviewed as a guest, talking about an embarrassing incident that happened in a library. Anyone who's ever met Taffy (now retired) will know that he is a mine of amusing and embarrassing anecdotes that can keep you entertained and enthralled for hours.

Taffy's last role in the Diocese was as Warden of Foxhill, but prior to that, he spent 14 years as Vicar at Sutton St James. It came as no surprise to many that he finally ended up on the Graham Norton show, in the notorious  'Red Chair' segment of the programme, where members of the public are invited to tell an amusing story. If it's a good story they get to walk from the chair. If it's a bad story, one that doesn't entertain, then Graham pulls a lever which un-ceremoniously tips the guest out for an undignified exit.

Re-writing Taffy's story here wouldn't do it justice but you can see him on the BBC iPlayer. He's in the last five minutes of the show.

See: Graham Norton Show ep 4


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