'How I Came to Faith' - Pam Robinson

Pam Robinson spent most of her life “resisting God.” However, at the age of 42, during one of the most challenging weeks of her life, Pam’s cat went missing. This was the breaking point for her, and she called upon God for the first time. In that moment, Pam found faith.

After this transformative experience, Pam felt compelled to visit her local church, St Mark’s, which coincidentally was hosting “Back to Church Sunday,” a national initiative encouraging people to return to church.

Pam vividly recalls that day. “I was absolutely shaking in my boots. There were balloons on the door, people wearing ‘Welcome’ T-shirts, and then a very tall man in a long white robe sat down next to me and said, ‘Hello, I’m David, I’m the Vicar.’”

To discover what exactly changed Pam’s life so profoundly, watch the video below. Without giving too much away, the cat was fine. The Vicar, David, is Revd David Brewster, now the Chaplain at Foxhill.

People’s journeys to faith can vary greatly. It can be an instant revelation or a gradual transition. For Pam, it led to a 'Calling' to work within the church.

Pam now serves as the Community Development Manager at St Matthew’s Church in Edgeley, Stockport.

If you feel called to serve God in the world and the church, The Diocese of Chester offers a Foundations for Ministry course to help you explore the possibilities.


Page last updated: Tuesday 30th July 2024 10:15 AM
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