Pastoral Supervision – Places available

Described by one of our own Clergy as, “The most helpful thing for me in ministry”, Pastoral Supervision is available for clergy who want to gain insight and space for reflection in a relaxed and informal context. To experience how this might benefit you, there’s a 1-day course on 30 November.

Revd George Crowder has been a Pastoral Supervisee for nearly a year now, working with Revd Phil Burrows who is George’s Pastoral Supervisor. The terms Supervisee and Supervisor sit slightly incongruously with Phil and George as the relationship is very much a mutual one, with neither having control or authority over the other.
The Revd Simon Chesters, Director of Ministry, describes Pastoral supervision as being distinct from spiritual direction or accompaniment, work mentoring, coaching or therapeutic counselling – though it is complementary and works with such resources. 

George and Phil meet for their Pastoral Supervision sessions about once a month, usually in a coffee shop, to talk about life in general and church related issues. 
“It’s a very helpful way to process things”, says George, with Phil adding, “I get epiphany moments as well.  Sometimes they’re worth sharing, sometimes they are beneficial to my own ministry.”
In the video below, George and Phil provide some insight about their experience of giving and receiving pastoral supervision and how helpful it’s been to provide perspective and support, to counter the isolation there often is in ordained ministry, and help move things forward in parish ministry. They talk about what pastoral supervision is and important, what it isn’t, and how it can really help church leaders and ministers by working with one another.

Find out more and book for the Introduction to Pastoral Supervision course on 30 November 2023

Page last updated: Friday 3rd November 2023 1:32 PM
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