The Easter story is coming to life at St John’s, Hartford through an immersive guided trail using creative props and scenery, where school children and visitors are given guided storytelling tours of the last days of the life of Jesus, his death and resurrection.
The installation has been created by the Bible Encounter Trust and volunteers.
Visitors experience the Last Supper in the upper room, the Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas’s palace, the trial before Pontius Pilate, the crucifixion of Jesus. Finally, they are led to the tomb to find it empty, symbolizing the resurrection and the promise of new life through Jesus.
Teachers have shared deeply moving accounts of how the children have reacted to the story, explaining how it has personally impacted them and helped them understand it in ways they never had before.
Teresa Nixon, the Children's Outreach Worker, explains, "This is the fourth time St John’s has hosted the Easter trail, and it’s always hugely popular. The schools book up quickly, and over the two weeks the trail is running, nearly a thousand schoolchildren will visit the church. The Easter story trail has been a wonderful experience to host, and we definitely plan to continue it. In fact, we’ve already scheduled the Christmas story trail from Bible Encounter Trust to return to the church."
Visit St John's Hartford website for more information