Diocesan Secretary to Step Down

Canon George Colville will step down from his post as Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Chester on 31 August 2024. He has served the Diocese for twenty-five years, fourteen as Diocesan Secretary, and moves on with our gratitude and affection.

George says, “reaching the 25 year mark has given opportunity to reflect, and it is time for a new challenge for me and for someone else to step into this next phase of the life of Chester Diocese. I move on with thanksgiving to God for being able to serve in these roles and for all we have achieved together, and with hope for what he has planned for the future. I am grateful for your prayers for Andrea and myself.”

Bishop Mark expressed his “thanks for George’s faithful service, patient kindness, and tireless devotion to the life of the diocese. He leaves with our thanks and our ongoing prayers and I am glad that he will remain in the area and stay in touch.”

There will be a period of consultation as the role description for George’s successor is compiled. For now we hold George in our prayers and give thanks for his faithful service in this role.

Page last updated: Monday 3rd June 2024 12:59 PM
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