Digital Giving devices on their way to Parishes


Fifty free contactless donation devices are being handed over to parishes across the diocese, enabling them to accept donations via a contactless card machine that can automatically process donations through the swipe of a bank card. The devices have been provided by the National Church to the Diocese of Chester as part of a national rollout to offer more donation options to people visiting our churches.

Earlier this year the National Church allocated 50 devices to the Diocese of Chester to distribute to parishes across our diocese. To ensure fair distribution we asked for expressions of interest from parishes and asked them to submit information in support of their application. We received a little over 50 expressions of interest, which meant that we were able to fulfill almost every single request for a free donation device.

Bessia Kanengoni, Digital Giving Adviser for the Diocese of Chester, who has been overseeing the rollout of devices says; “Providing our churches with 50 free Digital Giving devices has been a fantastic initiative by the National Church and the Diocese. Donating using a contactless device isn’t for everyone, but for those, where scanning a card has become second nature, a digital giving device provides an easy way for them to make a donation that helps their church with the important work that they do within their community, helping their communities thrive and flourish”.

Shown in the picture (left) is Curate, Revd Jane Motram, receiving one of the devices from Bessia (right)  on behalf of her church St. Mary's Church, Partington.

Although the FREE devices have been distributed, the cost of acquiring such a device can be a worthwhile investment for churches. If you would like to hear how a device can benefit your church then please do contact Bessia using the contact details below. 

Bessia Kanengoni
Digital Giving Adviser, 

T: 07732 901740


Page last updated: Tuesday 19th September 2023 11:14 AM
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