Jill Elston is the Diocesan Environment Adviser, working two days a week. One of the key aspects of her role is to support churches with their Creation Care initiatives, helping them to care for and protect God’s beautiful world. A key way to do this is by signing up for the A Rocha Eco Church Awards.
Jill would like to extend her thanks to all the churches that have already signed up for the Eco Church scheme and congratulates those that have received an award.
To better support churches, Jill is seeking to reach individuals in parishes who are passionate about creation care and the Eco Church scheme, without burdening the parish incumbent or PCC secretary. To facilitate this, a new role has been introduced: the Parish Eco Representative. If possible, Jill would like parishes to appoint someone to this role during their APCM.
The role is not burdensome; it simply involves appointing one person in the parish to receive Eco Church news, updates, encouragement, information about grants, or the Net Zero Pathway. The church doesn’t need to be signed up to the Eco Church scheme to appoint a representative, so this ensures that no parish misses out on valuable information or opportunities.
The Parish Eco Representative could be a member of the PCC without a specific role or an interested person from the congregation.
Jill encourages parishes to consider appointing someone to this position this year. For any questions or further information about the role, she can be contacted via email at jill.elston@chester.anglican.org
ECO Church Network Newsletter
The ECO Church Network has recently published their latest newsletter, which includes articles on what’s going on around Chester Diocese, news from Tarporley and Grappenhall and information on a new podcast. Hannah Jones, from the Outreach Team is shown holding a printed version of the front page.