Hundreds of children from our many primary schools have enjoyed a fun-filled leavers' service at Chester Cathedral.
The traditional service was an opportunity for the young people to give thanks to God for their friends and teachers and to look forward to all that is to come as they move from primary to secondary school. The day included prayer, music, and activities for all and was the first time its been held in three years due to the Covid pandemic.
Director of Education in the Diocese of Chester, Chris Penn, says: "It was a memorable occasion for all involved and many of the children left the Cathedral filled with hope and joy for the new adventure they have before them. It is one of the highlights of the year for us in the Education Team at Church House, and, I think, for many of the teachers in our schools too. It marks a significant moment in the educational and faith journey of our young people."

See more of the photographs on Facebook
Jonny Masters works with churches and church leaders ministering to young people and families. He says there are lots of resources available to support churches and families as they offer encouragement to their young people and has listed five of the best in this downloadable and shareable resource.
Five resources to help children move from primary to secondary school
Jonny Masters says: "We will continue to pray for all our young people, that they settle into their new schools well and continue to know the love of God through Jesus Christ, particularly through the unique challenges that this stage in life can bring."
Research has shown that moving from primary to secondary school is an important moment in the faith journey of our young people. Please pray for them, their families, and their schools.