Celebrating Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry

As part of the Anniversary Celebrations, marking 60 years of Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry, a National Service of Thanksgiving was held at Southwark Cathedral on Saturday 9 September 2023.

Southwark was a fitting venue to mark this Jubilee Year, not least as the first ordinations to Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry took place there in 1963, for those ordinands who had completed their training on the part-time Southwark Ordination Course.

Before the service in the cathedral, there was a lecture by Bishop Eleanor, of Hull, who was once herself an SSM. She spoke of the richness of SSOM and the contribution it makes to the life and work of the church. She also shared something about her own vocational journey.

The service itself was presided over by Bishop Christopher, of Southwark, and our very own Bishop Julie was the preacher.

During the sermon, Bishop Julie shared something of her own journey, of the richness Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry brings to the church. All who attended were left feeling encouraged, affirmed, and inspired. 

The event was attended by over 300 people from across the Church of England, with a good contingency coming from our own Diocese.

If you would like any information about Self-Supporting Ordained Ministry, please feel free to contact Revd Lyndon Bannon, Bishop's Officer for SSOM, on lyndon.bannon@chester.anglican.org

Page last updated: Friday 15th September 2023 9:49 AM
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