Bishops get a grilling in Cheadle

The Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner with the Bishop of Birkenhead, Julie Conalty and the Bishop of Stockport, Sam Corley made a deanery visit to Cheadle (Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 March) organised by Rural Dean, Revd Paul Cumming (All Hallows, Cheadle). 

Wednesday 12 March

On Wednesday morning, Bishop Sam visited the new housing development at Woodford Garden Estate, before leading a service of Holy Communion at St Michael's, Bramhall and joining prayers with the Hope 25 Churches Together Group at Bramhall Baptist Church.

Bishop Julie visited All Hallows, Cheadle to meet with clients at Light Cafe and families at the Messy Toddlers group before visiting Thorn Grove Primary School with the vicar, Revd Sarah Hancock, where Year 5 where given the opportunity to 'Grill a Bishop'.

Bishop Mark spent the morning at the Mustard Seed at St Mary's, Cheadle with Revd George Crowder and Graham Lowcock before visiting Moss Hey Primary School, Bramhall with Revd Calum Piper (St Michael's, Bramhall) for a 'grilling' by Years 5 and 6.

The bishops enjoyed lunch with clergy from the Deanery, followed by Holy Communion at St Michael's, Bramhall led by Bishop Mark.

Pupils at Cheadle Hulme High School had the opportunity to give the bishops a grilling when Bishop Julie and Bishop Mark visited with Amy Killingbeck and Revd Aled Seago (Emmanuel Church, Cheadle Hulme).

Later, Bishop Julie met with members of the Youth Club at All Hallows, Cheadle, whilst Bishop Mark visited St Cuthbert's Church, Cheadle for Stories of Hope with Graham Lowcock.

Thursday 13 March

After morning prayers Bishop Julie and Bishop Sam visited St Cuthbert's Old School Nursery for their 50th anniversary celebrations where the children have been enjoying activities with a uniform theme. This was an opportunity for the bishops to explain what bishops wear and to launch a sponsored '50 laps for 50 years run around the building. Meanwhile, Bishop Mark was at Hope Central at St Chad's, Handforth to lead the Thought for the Day and find out about the work of this Christian charity committed to bringing hope and relieving poverty in Cheshire East. 

Later that morning, Bishop Sam visited Foodbank Plus at Chelwood Baptist Church with Lay Chair, Graham Lowcock. The Foodbank offers a host of services and is supported by donations and volunteers from local churches. Bishop Julie went with Revd Jacob Devadason (St Catherine's Church, Heald Green) to St Anne's Hospice to see the construction of their new buildings.

At 12 noon, Bishop Mark joined Revd Jacob to meet Imam Abid and other interfaith leaders at Cheadle Mosque. They prayed for peace together and his visit was highly appreciated and welcomed.(Photo below by Revd Jacob Devadason)

After lunch at Emmanuel Church, Cheadle there was an opportunity for laity and clergy to meet the bishops and ask them questions about anything they liked. The day ended at St Mary's Upper Room where Bishop Sam and Bishop Mark met with Darren Flannery, Stockport Council, local Councillor Revd Mike Newman and Cheadle MP, Tom Morrison.

In the evening, Bishop Sam spoke to the Cheadle Parish Men's Pub Night at The Governor's House.

Bishop Mark said: “It was brilliant to be alongside the local church serving their communities, to see people coming to faith, growing in faith, and sharing in faith. I always come away from these visits encouraged, challenged, and enriched and am thankful to God for the opportunities we have to serve His people.”


Photo below by Sarah Ball (All Hallow's, Cheadle)

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