Reader Ministry

What is Reader Ministry?

reader logoReaders are lay people licensed to a ministry recognised across the whole Church of England. Nationally, their ministry is characterised by three strands: preaching and teaching, enabling mission and exercising leadership. They are theologically trained lay people who provide a skilled resource for the church. 

Reader Ministry as a whole in this Diocese is under the care of the Bishop's Advisers for Licensed Lay Ministers, who work within the Ministry Team to support Reader ministry. Readers, like clergy, are expected to become life-long learners, continuing to study after licensing. 

If you would like to talk to someone informally about vocation please complete the Vocational Conversation - Initial Enquiry Form and then send it to who will then arrange the initial contact with a Deanery Vocations Listener.

For more specific information on the Reader Training course you can contact:

Jeanette Howe 07549 214283
Karen MacMillan 07549 214284


Reader Training in the Diocese of Chester

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) In-Service Training Grants

Safer Pastoral Practice Guidelines and Resources

Reader Transfers

Please note that the Reader Transfer Form must be returned by the end of July in the year the transfer is taking place. If you have any queries please contact

Reader Transfer Form

Readers PTO or Emeritus

Readers who reach the age of 75 will need to decide whether to apply for the Bishop's Permission to Officiate, or to take up the honourary title of Reader Emeritus. For more information please contact


Who’s Who


If you have any enquiries about Reader Ministry, the people below would be happy to help.

Bishop's Advisers for Licensed Lay Ministers

Jeanette Howe 07549 214283
Karen MacMillan 07549 214284

Jane Gerrard is based at Church House and oversees the administration of the community of Licensed Lay Ministers. Tel: 01928 643426 Email:


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