
Archdeacon Ian: "The Earth is damaged."

Archdeacon Ian Bishop, is today launching a Lenten journey and you're invited to take part. The focus for Lent this year is God's creation and the environment, an issue close to Ian's heart and one which is important to the Christian faith.  

Diocese of Hanuato appoints new Bishop

Hanuato has strong links with the Diocese of Chester. Over the years, representatives from each diocese have visited each other's countries and enjoyed mutual support and hospitality.

A Poem for Time to Talk Day

The Revd Stephen Sheridan, from Chester St Oswald & St Thomas of Canterbury, has written a poem for Time to Talk Day, which is today. 04 February 2021. It's written from the perspective of someone who has poor mental health.

Saying farewell to Bishop Keith

Bishop Keith Sinclair will retire as Bishop of Birkenhead on the 07 March after 14 years in the post. In a letter to the diocese, Bishop Mark invites us all to prepare for his retirement and participate in plans for his farewell.

The gift of life

In this reflection, first published in the Chester Diocesan News, the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, Ian Bishop, offers his thoughts on environmental issues and calls on all Christians to be at the forefront of tackling environmental issues. 

February CDN is available

The February edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available. It includes a personal reflection from The Archdeacon of Macclesfield and articles on 'The relentless lockdown', and 'Time to talk day'.

Prayer for the Nation

In response to reaching the terrible milestone of 100,000 deaths from COVID-19, the Archbishops invite all to call on God in Prayer. Starting on 1 February we invite you to set aside time every evening to pray, particularly at 6pm each day.

Time to Talk Day 2021

Time to Talk Day 2021 is on February 4th and takes the theme “The Power of Small”. Our contribution to Time to Talk Day is a service presented by members of the diocese’s Mental Health Forum.

Remember 100,000 people 'known to God'

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are issuing a call to the nation to pause and reflect to remember the more than 100,000 people across the UK who have died after contracting Covid-19 and all those who know and love them.

Bishop calls for tougher environment law

The Bishop of Chester is calling on the Prime Minister to introduce legally binding targets to cut plastic pollution. He’s joined others in writing to Boris Johnson to ask for the measures to be included in the Environment Bill.

Christians worldwide gather in prayer for unity

In normal times we would have a Cheshire United Service on the Sunday of the Week of Prayer.  This year a group from Alsager Churches Together has gathered to record the service.

Poems of our time

The Revd Alec Brown, vicar of Aston-by-Budworth and Great Budworth, has written two poems, that have taken their inspiration from the times we are in. They are titled 'Lockdown 3' and 'Winter walking'.

The reality of home schooling

In this Church House Blog, the Revd Jenny Bridgman shares her personal account of the challenges of homeschooling and urges us all to reach out to friends, family and neighbours and "be the calming presence" they might need.

"Argh, I can't do that!"

As we approach the flagship diocesan event, Called to Serve, Bishop Mark, reflects on his own calling to be a bishop and reminds us that with God's help we can grow to be the person God wants us to be. 

New Director of Outreach begins

The Revd Peter Froggatt has begun his new role as Director of Outreach. Peter leads the new department of Outreach which incorporates the work of the previous departments of Mission and Social Responsibility.

Leaving your "dream job" for the priesthood

The Revd Simon Stride says he has always been passionate about three things: Jesus, church, and music. Approaching his 30s, he left his “dream job” working in a recording studio to follow a call to the priesthood.

New appointment for Judge David Turner

Judge David Turner, who is the Diocesan Chancellor, has been named as the new Deputy Chair of the Clergy Discipline Commission replacing Sir Mark Hedley, who retired in December 2020.

Prince Charles presents his Earth Charter

In his virtual address to the One Planet Summit on 11 January, Prince Charles called upon businesses and organisations to fight against the climate crisis, something our own environment forum is working towards.

David Bowie, the praying man

It's been five years since the death of the enigmatic English singer-songwriter, David Bowie. In a tribute concert for the late Freddie Mercury, he paused during his performance to do something that took everyone by surprise.

The appointment of two new bishops

The Diocese of Chester has been given permission to appoint two new suffragan bishops. Following a consultation, Bishop Mark is now beginning the appointment process.

Additional clergy support groups available

The Diocese of Chester is creating additional clergy support groups which any member of the clergy can join. The announcement of the additional clergy support comes following a challenging Christmas.

She's in the Army now

The Revd Ailsa Whorton has successfully passed an intensive training course at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst and remains a self-supporting minister with PTO in the Diocese of Chester.

Bishop of London responds to new restrictions

Following Prime Minister, Boris Johnson's statement detailing new restrictions in England to control the spread of Covid-19, the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, who chairs the Church of England’s Covid Recovery Group, has issued a response.

A reflection from the Archdeacon of Chester

In the first of this year's reflections, Mike Gilbertson, The Archdeacon of Chester, imagines how things might be different if each one of us were to grow closer to Jesus in 2021 in both prayer and in our daily lives.

Chester Diocesan News now available

The January edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available. It includes a reflection from Archdeacon Mike Gilbertson, an article on being 'Called to Serve', and a list of forthcoming events.

A message from Bishop Mark at Christmas

The Bishop of Chester, Mark Tanner, has recorded a short Christmas message for the whole diocese in which he reminds us that even in "this strangest of years, Christ is with us."

Clergy housing emergency cover

Church House will be closed from lunchtime on Wednesday 23 December and will re-open on Monday 4 January 2021. In the event of a clergy housing emergency, please contact one of the two named contractors.

Comfort and Joy across the diocese

As Christmas approaches, we wanted to give you a taste of some of the different ways parishes around the Diocese of Chester are sharing comfort and joy with congregations and the wider community.

Everyday prayer in a pandemic

How have parishes adapted their prayer lives during the pandemic? Archdeacon Mike and Emily Allen, Church Buildings Missioner, discuss this and hear from three parishes about the ways they've shared prayer in 2020.

Thanks for supporting our young people

In this Church House Blog, Jonathan Masters, Children and Families Missioner, thanks those who have worked with and supported children, young people and families with their parish this year.

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