Dance music worship

The Revd Simon Stride, a curate at Holy Trinity, Stalybridge, believes that dance music is a great way to spread the word of God and to attract the younger generations into church. Recently he organised an EDM worship event.

For the uninitiated, 'EDM' is short for Electronic Dance Music, which is a broad term for up-tempo music made using synthesisers and drum machines, characterised by hard-hitting drum beats, driving basslines and euphoric melodies. On Easter Saturday, Simon organised a night of clubbing worship music which he promoted throughout his deanery and to local schools.

Simon said: "Our aim was to create something that would attract young people to church in a way that would also communicate the Christian Gospel message of Easter, the meaning of Resurrection where one of our former youth gave a short talk and offered a response. It was important that it would be of interest to both the churched and unchurched. Music is a great way to do this."

Both Simon and the headlining DJ, Bazz Morgan (Velocity of Light) played a mixture of secular and Christian EDM tracks and at one point invited people attending to respond to Jesus at the foot of the cross in the church. Simon says it was a very moving moment to see almost every single person present themselves, kneel down and take a moment to connect with Jesus in their own way. This was also true of those who were attending church for the first time.

If anyone would like to know more about organising this type of event, then Simon would be pleased to hear from you.

Simon's contact details are: 

T: 07422 958 695

Page last updated: Wednesday 4th May 2022 7:55 AM
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