Safeguarding Resources

Safeguarding Parish Dashboard

Making life simpler for Incumbents, Parish Safeguarding Officers and PCCs
The Diocese Safeguarding Team realise that good safeguarding can involve a significant amount of work. Therefore, we are pleased to tell you about one of the ways in which we are making safeguarding easier for you.

The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard is a simple-to-use, online tool that helps you keep track of safeguarding in your church and keeps you up to date with local and national changes in safeguarding requirements. 

The dashboard is really easy to use on a smartphone, tablet or computer enabling a healthy culture of safeguarding in our churches and giving assurance that you are supporting delivery of the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Standards.

Every Parish in Chester Diocese will be required to use the Safeguarding Parish Dashboard to track their safeguarding practise.

During the next few months, it will be rolled out deanery by deanery across the Diocese. The Diocese Safeguarding Team and its delivery partners will support parishes during the startup process and deliver ongoing in life support of Dashboards. 

As part of the process incumbents and Parish Safeguarding Officers will receive an invitation to register for their parish dashboard(s) at the point when a deanery is preparing to go live with dashboards.
The Dashboard has its own website where more information can be found including, FAQs and tutorials - Safeguarding Dashboards

Page last updated: Thursday 2nd May 2024 3:07 PM
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